future mainstream

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11/16/2004 10:32 pm
What do you think the future holds inb mainstream music.. right now it is punk pop and rap and nu metal crap, what do you think will come out in the next 5 years. I am totally saying 80ish metal music type of stuff will
thats me.. what do you think? :)
Mike ;)
# 1
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11/16/2004 10:49 pm
really I have no idea I dont know how long this rap crap
gona go on I thought it be like disco and go out in a decad
but its lasted for a long time. I dont know maby they'll start breing back
some kinda 80's stuff or some kinda techno crap
thats kinda cool to think about it though I wonder what muisic
will be like some 50 years from now I mean jimi hendrix was
metal for the 60's then compare that to like korn or something
thats only what not even 40 years

cool thred
rock & roll ant muisic
its a way of life
# 2
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11/17/2004 3:01 am
Yeah I've been thinking about that a lot lately actually. In fact at work today (i teach guitar lessons at a music studio), me and Chris (a bassist) kept on talking about how "our" children will view Rammstein, Metallica, System of a Down, and what not as really softcore. I'm really excited to see what comes out of music as I get older. What I really have been digging lately is techno/rock type stuff. Not as far as industrial, but like The Killers and one of Franz Ferdinad's *never can spell that* songs is like that.

# 3
is Super Fabulous
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11/17/2004 4:42 am
The future of music will be people in animal fur overalls standing on their heads playing miniature xylophones. Drums will be replaced by electronic beeping noises.
# 4
Jolly McJollyson
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11/17/2004 5:19 am
Originally Posted by: ChristophThe future of music will be people in animal fur overalls standing on their heads playing miniature xylophones. Drums will be replaced by electronic beeping noises.

Hahahahahaha! :D
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11/17/2004 7:40 am
Originally Posted by: PonyOne...bling bling rap bullpucky that clogs the airwaves...

If you think the Americans are bad, you should see the Kenyans over here trying to imitate them.

# 6
Grizzled Spellchecker
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11/17/2004 1:12 pm
Originally Posted by: kingdavidIf you think the Americans are bad, you should see the Kenyans over here trying to imitate them.

Actually, that was one of the cooler things (for me, at least) when I was in Kenya; riding in matatus (like a taxi but more like a bus) with four 12" subs in the front header of the van just pounding out the bass on some reggae/rap song. I thought that was pretty cool.
... and that's all I have to say about that.

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# 7
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11/17/2004 5:43 pm
. Drums will be replaced by electronic beeping noises.

hasn't that already happened? 80's had drums goin poo poo poo hmmm not sure if you can really hear wot sound im tryin to make but if you heared it then you should know wot mean!
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# 8
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11/17/2004 6:16 pm
Call me a doubting Thomas, but I predict 5 more years of pre-ordained bull**** to hit our eardrums. Quality music will always be around, just never again mainstream. Like now, it will be up to us to dig it out. Casual music enthusiasts will still be relegated to the hype of TRL-esque hack acts. I'll still listen to the classic rock stations until they become known as the oldies stations.
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# 9
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11/17/2004 6:49 pm
[font=trebuchet ms]Mainstream?? Whazzat?

The 'market' is so fragmented now, the term mainstream has become meaningless - there's no such thing anymore.[/font]
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# 10
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11/18/2004 2:44 am
Originally Posted by: LeedoggCall me a doubting Thomas, but I predict 5 more years of pre-ordained bull**** to hit our eardrums. Quality music will always be around, just never again mainstream. Like now, it will be up to us to dig it out. Casual music enthusiasts will still be relegated to the hype of TRL-esque hack acts. I'll still listen to the classic rock stations until they become known as the oldies stations.

yea but what happins when we all die will the next generation
carry on the the quality muisic or will it eventully die off
rock & roll ant muisic
its a way of life
# 11
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11/18/2004 4:54 am
Originally Posted by: 1791yea but what happins when we all die will the next generation
carry on the the quality muisic or will it eventully die off

It'll never die. Like I said, quality music still exists, it's just our job to dig it up now; as opposed to it being more readily accessible to us, as in generations past. Look at all the youth we have on this forum alone who are inspired by great musicians not prefabricated music acts. You (err, we, I'm only 23) are the next generation. The torch has been passed, so lets get practicin'!
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# 12
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11/18/2004 7:24 am
Originally Posted by: iamthe_eggmanActually, that was one of the cooler things (for me, at least) when I was in Kenya; riding in matatus (like a taxi but more like a bus) with four 12" subs in the front header of the van just pounding out the bass on some reggae/rap song. I thought that was pretty cool.

The Mats are cool.
It's the idiotic wannabe ballers who've never sold 500 copies of a CD that piss me off. Bling bling is vain enough. Couple that with the fact that you're a broke 3rd world "rapper" (the quotes are mine), and it's irritating. Dudes wearing ovesized Dodgers tops and 76'ers jerseys trying to be cool, and clinging to some piece of metallic material hanging from their starving necks pointing it at me like I'm supposed to be impressed.

The Matatu's, on the other hand, are pretty damn cool. They can be very poor at customer service sometimes (unannounced fare hikes when it starts to rain you'd think in Kenya it rains money, not reaching their destinations, general rudeness and callousness) but all in all I like them. And when the music isn't too loud to suppress my heart from beating (it feels like that's what happening sometimes :eek: ), it's all good by me.

Did you get to learn why they are called matatu's? If you didn't, MTH101 (Matatu History 101):
Back in the colonial day when public transport was introduced in Kenya, the average fair was 30 cents. Kenyan shilling cents, not dollar cents. There used to be 10 cents coins, so three of these would make the fair. Now, in Kikuyu, my mother tongue, a 10 cents coin is called "giteni" ( from ten, which loosely means " a piece of ten"). And when they are many, they become "mateni". One ten is called "giteni kimwe". Two become "mateni meri" and three are "mateni matatu". And so the vehicles that charged "mateni matatu" for fare became matatus.

Nice that, huh?
# 13
Obsessed Freak
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11/18/2004 7:56 pm
ya, I'm gonna listen to rock for the rest of my life, and if you think about it one type of music that is really dying down is pop. like al those stupid boy bands and stuff. But I think rap, has in a way taken its place, which is not a godd thing either. but also, now there are a lot of bands that are simply boy bands with guitars, and the worst part, is they try to act like they are hardcore rockers.

o ya, cool story on the matatus
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# 14
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11/19/2004 12:12 am
Originally Posted by: guitarfreak141 simply boy bands with guitars, and the worst part, is they try to act like they are hardcore rockers.

Like Switchfoot.
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# 15
Obsessed Freak
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11/19/2004 2:37 am
right, and simple plan, and good charlotte
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.

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# 16
Obsessed Freak
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11/19/2004 7:51 pm
defineteely, I CANT STAND BUSTED!!!!!! they make me mad , rnt they the ones who sing that song thats like "thats what I go to school for", if thats rock, then...... its just not
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.

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# 17
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11/20/2004 1:47 am
I think thats the reoson more people dont like rock is unless they
hear thery parents listening to it all they hear about is these littile
pricks trying to play punk
rock & roll ant muisic
its a way of life
# 18
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11/21/2004 4:33 am
Originally Posted by: Akira... I hope their tour bus is just about to drive off a cliff when a huge boat lands on them.
[font=trebuchet ms]Huh?[/font]
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# 19
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11/21/2004 5:28 am
Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings[font=trebuchet ms]Huh?[/font]

Hopefully it's an English thing.
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# 20

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