Age 8 - Phil Collins, Roxy Music,
Age 11 - Aerosmith, Meatloaf, REM
Age 15 - Guns n Roses, Motely Crue, Bon Jovi
Age 21 (Present!) - Velvet Revolver!!
Originally Posted by: buddaheadreps12-14: Toad the Wet Sprocket
Originally Posted by: buddaheadreps12-14: Toad the Wet Sprocket
14-18: Toad, The Samples. Pat McGee Band
18-22: Guster
22-26: Pete Schmidt, Buddahead, Getaway Car, Damien Rice, etc.
Originally Posted by: mc9mm0 - 8 Europe
8 - 13 Nirvana
13 - 18 Metallica
18 - 20 Europe (+ every other 80's metal band that exists)
It's the ciiiiiiiiiiiiircle of life...!