Independent fingers

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03/09/2001 8:25 am
do you know any exercises that would help to use each finger
without the motion effecting the other fingers?

Blues Shredder
# 1

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03/09/2001 4:42 pm
The 1-2-3-4 excercise is always good. Start at a slow speed paying meticulous attention to keeping each finger in proper position. Eventually they'll become pretty independent. A while ago, my pinky shot up way up high whenever I wasn't using it. It was so bad, that the only way I could trian it not to do it was to actually hold it against the fretboard with my right hand as I pretended to play with the other fingers! It was pretty harsh but it worked because now all my fingers stay close to the fretboard.

Once you have the 1-2-3-4 excercise down, try some variations like 1-3-2-4, 4-2-3-1, 4-3-2-1-2-3-4, etc. And do this on all the strings.
# 2
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03/13/2001 10:20 am
n reply to the above question regarding finger independance, i've found one exercise based on a trilling movement to be of some considerable use. However unfortuneatly i have not as yet mastered the art of creating a text tabulature format, but i'll do my best to
describe how it is performed (so please bare with me).

first of all i do apologies if state the obvious. i may do this as im trying to explain the exercise concisely and i dont mean to insult
your intelligence.
secondly i don't lay claim to the invention or inovation of these exercises as a matter of fact i found it while searching for exercises
as you are. I dont have the url at hand but will post it the near future for your benefit.

As i have just explained the exersices revolves around the trill movement and the use of combinations of two three and all four
fingers hammering on or pulling off. it is important to obviously maintain form(an interesting concept as the defintions of it vary from
player to player) but it important to feel confortable when playing in order not to increase strain unnecessarily .It is performed as
stated below.

1. place combinations of two fingers on adjacent frets (for example fingers 1 and 2 on frett 1 and 2) so i repeat, first finger on the
first frett and the second finger on the respective second.
permutations of these should be completed with sucsessive finger combinations(eg 2 and 3, and 3 and 4.

2. hammer on your second finger as performed with trills.

3. play this three or four times( that is one trilling movement) then move to the next string and the next and the next. (it would
inpractical to try and complete the entire fretboard but if time wills and finger extaution doesnot ail you then continue by all means)

4. next use other combinations such as 2 and 3, and 3 and 4. As you are currently playing hammer on movements the next choice
would be the same exercise but with pull offs.

if havent confused you already(ill post the website soon) or you think me decription is pretty
straight forward youll find hopefully as i have that this exercise is very helpfull.
for example i play bass ad my playing is concentrated around the second third and fourth fingers
(just a habit) my third and fourth finger trills were sluggish to say the least. but as a result of these exercises i found my
independency of my fourth finger with respect to my third finger has increased by a considerable amount(that is to say my speed
has increased).

hope this helps and i do apologise for any errors in grammer
# 3

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