P.S. It would be a great hand if you could suggest some good scales i learn
which would help me i only know Amin penta :D
Originally Posted by: Dr_simonPlease only post stuff once.
Check out the tricks section of the site for new stuff, their is lots their !
Oh yes and welcome to GT !
Originally Posted by: The AceI hate to plug my page, but if you want to start out shred, the modes are probably a great start - and the only thing I take pride in on my page is my tutorial on modes - check it out! Then after, move up to harmonic minor.
Ummm... click on the Yngwie button for inspiration on the main page.
Now I will tell you something that will get battered into your head in guitar playing until the day you die: start slowly with a metronome, and work your way up to a faster speed.
Originally Posted by: Dr_simonGear... check out the "Build your own project studio" tutorial, their is a photo of my little studio on the last page !