ESP EC-1000 Deluxe

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10/09/2004 1:12 am
Sup guys,

Well after 5 years of playing my first cheap guitar is falling appart day by day and its limiting me to progress as a player. I am in a market for a second guitar my prace range is 700$ ~ 800$max.

Originally i was looking to buy a Gibson LP Standard used but i cant find any in my price range, that would be a perfect guitar for me and i dont think i would want to buy any other for a looooooong time to come.

So i did some searching which resembles the LP look, and from what i have heard its not to bad but i would like to see if any off you have played the ESP EC1000 Deluxe and what you though of this guitar?

I play mostly Rock, Metal, Blues. So i think the EMG81's should be great for that.

Here is the pic and info on the EC1000 Deluxe

I really like the black one and that wold be the one to get for me.

I thank you all for your oppinions and advice.

# 1
Gear Guru
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10/09/2004 4:06 am
Originally Posted by: celik... Originally i was looking to buy a Gibson LP Standard used but i cant find any in my price range, that would be a perfect guitar for me and i dont think i would want to buy any other for a looooooong time to come... -Celik
[font=trebuchet ms]I bought a black Yamaha SBG1000 new in 1984 and I've been in love with it ever since. Enough so, that I bought a second one last year on eBay for US$600. Picture an LP Custom with cutaways on both sides of the neck. My review on Harmony Central is the 11th one down from the top of the page. (Bought at Steve's Music Store in Ottawa). There are a lot of other pages with slight variations in the titles. Gibson was threatening litigation, so the same model was called SG or SBG at different times.

The 1000 was a mahogany set-neck with a mahogany body and maple front. The 2000 and 3000 had through-neck construction and a brass block under the bridge. (amazing sustain!). They had prettier detailing as well.

Word is getting around, and prices are climbing, but you should still be able to get a good one within your budget.[/font]
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# 2
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10/09/2004 4:41 am
Thank you Lordathestrings for stoping and taking time. I will definitly try the guitar u sugested before i buy anything.

Anyword on the EC1000?
# 3
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10/09/2004 8:36 am
EC-1000s are supposed to be pretty nice guitars, though I personally prefer the EC-400s better. ESP guitars can take a pretty good beating no matter which one you get. Both the EC-1000 and the EC-400 (depending on which setup you get) offer the EMG-81 sets, so they'll sound relatively the same, but the EC-400 will run you about 100 to 150 dollars less than the EC-1000. Just wanted to let you know. ;)
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# 4
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10/09/2004 1:24 pm
Ok cool, well i guess i will go out and try them out for myself and i let you know how it goes.
# 5

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