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Joined: 05/14/03
Posts: 603
10/05/2004 4:22 pm
Originally Posted by: hammetthead13hey, just wonderin what everyone thinks of michael (micheal) Angelo. Is he the greatest guitarist to walk in god's green earth :D or is he an arrogant idiot who insists of showing off? :cool: i never really seen him play or listened to him but with a song entitled ' Yngwie can't touch this' , i would have to say he is arrogant. What do the rest of you think of him?

He hasnt got a song called "Yngwie can't touch this". Its actually called "The Finish Line"
Someone just renamed it on something like kazza.
Michael seems like a nice guy. I have spoken to him once before and will be seeing him again next month.
He is a great guitarist. I really like his music. A lot of people think he sucks and is really boring to listen to.
Its all opinion. See if you can listen to some of his other music. His other songs are not quite like "the finish line" but have the same tone and technicality. He does a few cool tricks like playing left handed and over the top of the neck... most people saying its just a stupid circus trick but i think its pretty cool to watch live. I think he is one of the cleanest players i have ever heard. I heard someone a few days ago say that someone was not as sloppy as michael :rolleyes:
I watched him live twice and he didnt miss a note and got all the notes perfect(no dead ones).
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