best acoustic for a girl

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09/21/2004 6:06 pm
since we are a minority in the guitar world, guitars are normally made to fit a guy's hands. does anyone know of a good acoustic for a girl since the frets are far apart on most guitars? :confused:

# 1
arcane science
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arcane science
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09/21/2004 6:25 pm
Eeep, I do know how you feel, with the whole small hands deal. Acoustic songs that I enjoy playing (and don't think they are too terribly hard for either a girl or boy) are:
"You Were Meant For Me" -Jewel
"The Closest Thing" -The Juliana Theory
"Blackbird" -The Beatles
"Wonderwall" -Oasis
"Let Her Cry" -Hootie and the Blowfish
"Building a Mystery" -Sarah McLachlan
# 2
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09/21/2004 7:03 pm
Get a steel string acoustic (not a classical guitar), put on some light gauge strings and you should be fine.
# 3
Jolly McJollyson
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09/21/2004 7:05 pm
Yeah, well, how old are you? Because you may still have some time to grow. I mean, you can always get a 2/3 size guitar, but those are sooooooo small.
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# 4
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09/21/2004 7:14 pm
It's not the length, it's the flexibility that matters.
Buy a standard acoustic, and practice practice practice.
I know people with much longer fingers than me who can't
reach as far as I can, and I know people with shorter fingers
who can reach longer than me, so short fingers are no excuse.
# 5
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09/22/2004 3:37 am
i'd just try different guitars until you find one you are comfortable with.
i know a girl that plays that has a purple ibanez acoustic electric, she's happy with it. chords were real easy on it, but i didn't like it for bends.
mc9 is right about the fingers thing. i had a friend that i played with that had extremely abnormally large hands, but not much flexability or reach. his fingers were about an inch longer, but he couldn't cover as many frets.
practice is best, but it doesn't hurt to try other guitars, and see if you are more comfortable with something else.
# 6
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09/22/2004 4:02 am
Originally Posted by: jackieluvzsamsince we are a minority in the guitar world, guitars are normally made to fit a guy's hands. does anyone know of a good acoustic for a girl since the frets are far apart on most guitars? :confused:

[font=trebuchet ms]The woman who started Daisy Rock Guitars did so in order to address the need for instruments that are a better ergonomic fit for girls. Some of the styles are a bit strange looking, but it's worth checking out.[/font]
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# 7
Jolly McJollyson
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Jolly McJollyson
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09/22/2004 4:09 am
Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings[font=trebuchet ms]The woman who started Daisy Rock Guitars did so in order to address the need for instruments that are a better ergonomic fit for girls. Some of the styles are a bit strange looking, but it's worth checking out.[/font]

If I saw a chick Shredding on this...I don't know what I'd do...After, of course, kindly asking if she fancied a ****.
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09/22/2004 11:29 am
I have just bought a Jackson DKMG, but after that my next choice is a Daisy Rock electric !!

I just want to try plugging it strait into my Marshall half-stack and play some punk rocks on it !!
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# 9
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09/25/2004 6:01 pm
it might seem like there made for guys, but trust me i have smaller hands than a lot of girls, and over time you stretch out and build strength, its not about how hard you push, its about fretting in the correct place and making sure the notes ring clear, which really takes very little preasure at all.
# 10
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09/28/2004 12:36 am
yeah there are several people on this board that beleive that hand size does NOT matter....
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# 11
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09/28/2004 1:30 am
Daisy Rock Guitar

Shecter Guitar Research is the parent to a child star, The Daisy Rock Guitar.

Conceived and designed by Tish Ciravolo, a female bassist entrenched in the club scene for many years, her experience has been that young girls are often inhibited to pick up the instrument because traditional guitars are bulky and physically awkward for them to hold. "If you look at females in popular music there aren't a whole lot of women guitarists and it's not for lack of talent - just look at P.J. Harvey, Nancy Wilson, Bonnie Raitt, and Melissa Etheridge." Ciravalo says. "Until now there hasn't been a guitar built that young girls feel comfortable with and my hope is the Daisy Rock will conquer these inhibitions and empower more young girls to play guitar." Daisy Rock guitars are constructed by Michael Ciravolo, President of Schecter Guitars, who also makes axes for Papa Roach, Powerman 5000, Orgy, and Stone Temple Pilots

They are designed with super thin necks as most girls have smaller hands.

It's ideal as a little starter guitar.

Female guitarists rejoice! Now there is a series of guitars specially designed to fit the female body and hands. The Rock Candy series guitars are serious instruments featuring mahogany bodies, 22 fret bolt-on maple necks, and rosewood fretboards. The chrome hardware consists of professional Grover tuners and Tune-o-matic bridges with stoptails. To top it off Daisy equipped these guitars with a pair of great sounding Duncan Designed humbuckers. With their sparkle finishes, these guitars not only feel good, they look good too!

from Daisy Rock

What makes Daisy Rock guitars different from other standard size/shape guitars?

For starters, our guitars have slimmer necks than standard guitars. This makes for easier playing for people with smaller hands. Our guitars are also lightweight so they won't over power you if you have a small build. Another really great feature of the guitars is the contour in the body. It lies perfectly and extremely comfortably across our bodies. Not to mention that they sound and look great on stage!

Overall Daisy Rock guitars are designed specifically for girls and are a perfect fit for female guitarists.

Is a Daisy Rock guitar's neck thinner than other guitars?

Yes. All Daisy Rock guitars have slimmer necks that make them easier and more comfortable to play for girls with smaller hands.

How heavy are they?

Rock Candy Series Guitars: 7 lbs. 11oz.

Heartbreaker Artist 6 lbs. 12oz.

Heartbreaker Bass 7 lbs. 7oz

I'm not a little girl, are Daisy Rock guitars right for me?

Of course! If you have the urge to rock, we have an axe for you. Short-scale guitars are best for children ages 6-10, while full-scale Artist, Acoustic, Rock Candy and Stardust Series models are best for ages 10 and up. Although Daisy Rock guitars are designed especially for girls of all ages many boys and men play them too.

What about a case?

Rock Candy Series guitars will fit in a standard Les Paul Style case

For more information, visit their web site at


It's a nice enough entry-level guitar.

The craftsmanship is actually quite good, the neck is smooth and quick, and it stays in tune.

The pickup is plenty good for what it should be used for. It's better made than a Squier Strat, and it's a hell of a lot nicer than the Teisco Del Rays, Silvertones, Stellas, Kays etc. that most of us learned on.

Anyway, I guarantee you that any 12-year-old girl would rather find one of these under the Christmas tree than a cheap Strat or Epiphone Les Paul, etc.

If you're looking for a guitar for that reason, this is a great choice. If she's the one kid in 20 who sticks with it, you can give her a Strat or Ovation for her sixteenth birthday. If she doesn't, put it in the closet. In 20 years, you can sell it on Ebay for the price of a Lexus.

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Sound 6.8 (6 responses)
Action, Fit, & Finish 7.5 (6 responses)
Reliability/Durability 8.7 (6 responses)
Customer Support 5.5 (6 responses)
Overall Rating 6.2 (6 responses)

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# 12
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09/28/2004 5:54 am
Thank you Mr. Daisyrockologist ;)
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# 13
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09/28/2004 11:26 am
Soon, soon, one day soon !!!
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# 14
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09/29/2004 2:35 am
I use a normal sized guitar... and always have.

# 15
Cryptic Excretions
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10/06/2004 1:28 am
Guitars are made for people with fingers. (The preceding sentence doesn't make much sense after eggman edited it.) Because of the amazingly vast shape in people's hands (By that I mean from long skinny fingers to short fat fingers, palm size, etc) people don't just make a guitar fit for certain people unless you're a celebrity paying someone to make a guitar just for you. Now that I've got my other personality's thoughts vented, onto your actual question. there is no answer to what you should have other than what you want. I'd suggest going to a music shop, check out some prices here and there but mainly strum around on a few and get an idea of how they feel and sound in comparison to what you like (beware as better feel and sound basically means bigger price).

Having done that I'd say goto an online store ( has been good to me) and check out prices on the gear you were looking at, compare it to what they have, etc, and make your decision based on what you think is best for you. Also, music is only really totally dominated in the "world of fame" so to speak. If you look around in the houses of people in your neighborhood/city and so forth, you'd be surprised at how many female guitarists there are out there, let alone female musicians. It's getting to the point where I know more female guitarists than I do male...not that that really means much of anything by now in my rant. If you're still reading this it's too late. This message will self destruct in T-minus 71 hours 42 minutes and 21 seconds. Boom. Some day I'll shut up.
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# 16
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10/06/2004 1:33 am
In the stone age, when I was at grade school, there was this great big guy John who must had an over active thyroid or something. Anyway this dude had short stubby fat little fingers and was unbelievably fast ! He and his Ibanez Roadster II Kicked my ass on more than one occasion and I have long elegant fingers !!!!

Moral of the story, size just doesn't matter !!!
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# 17
concrete chaos
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10/07/2004 10:49 am
Im a girl guiatrist.. never bothered about fret width, of course i have long thin fingers, which guys don't so theres benefits in both sexes.

plus i dont think that ur hands really effect how u play, perfect practice does however, if u keep at it, the webbings on ur hand will stretch more.

I mean what do female bass players do then ???? and bass is much harder to play trust anyone who has tried to play bass - i have and after a half hour my fingers feel like they did when i started out on guitar.

I play both acoustic and electric, i have 10 gauge strings on my elec, and 12 gauge on my acoustic. i have been playing for about 2 yrs, and im not the most dedicated of students, sometimes i go for weeks without touching a guitar........otherwise id be a lot better than i am now hehe
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# 18
concrete chaos
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concrete chaos
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10/07/2004 12:17 pm
ahh checked out that daisy rock site...

:eek: no black guitars ?????
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# 19
Cryptic Excretions
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10/10/2004 1:33 am
Originally Posted by: concrete chaosIm a girl guiatrist.. never bothered about fret width, of course i have long thin fingers, which guys don't so theres benefits in both sexes.

Actually, I have 2 friends that have the longest, skinniest fingers I've ever seen on anyone. My fingers aren't the longest but they're in proportion to me and my size (point being I have long skinny fingers for my size). My point? All 3 of us are male. I can also think of a lot of male musicians that have long skinny fingers (but if I thought about it for too long I'd come up with more than I'm sure any of you care about). Point being, sex determines one thing in a person...that being what gender they are. The person's build is based off their genology.
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