I haven't been around in awhile, so I'd thought I would put up some vids for all to laugh at. :D Hope you like 'em.
Shades Clip
Quest Clip
Lift Off Solo
Slam Swing Clip
Demo Clip 1
Demo Clip 2
Some Video Clips for all to mock...

# 1

Not bad, good show!
On second thought... it needs more scantaly dress women :D
On second thought... it needs more scantaly dress women :D
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 2

Hey man...
...beautiful stuff! Really dig it. Great chops, tasteful phrasing, and nice lead work. You have an awesome style. Keep it up...and let us know when you have more clips/audio.
...beautiful stuff! Really dig it. Great chops, tasteful phrasing, and nice lead work. You have an awesome style. Keep it up...and let us know when you have more clips/audio.
# 3

Doesn't work on a Mac... figures.
...but the pretty letters and numbers look really great!!
uéfœ¶Ÿ ™ bŒlB @§–“„“ó? †…^®P* A p p l i c a t i o n > W i n d o w s M o v i e M a k e r 2 . 0 . 3 3 1 2 . 0 $ W M / P a r e n t a l R a t i n g W M F S D K V e r s i o n 9 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 2 9 8 0 W M F S D K N e e d e d 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 I s V B R 3&<=uéfœ¶Ÿ ™ bŒl* °‹´åG©œé‰ ¿
...but the pretty letters and numbers look really great!!
uéfœ¶Ÿ ™ bŒlB @§–“„“ó? †…^®P* A p p l i c a t i o n > W i n d o w s M o v i e M a k e r 2 . 0 . 3 3 1 2 . 0 $ W M / P a r e n t a l R a t i n g W M F S D K V e r s i o n 9 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 2 9 8 0 W M F S D K N e e d e d 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 I s V B R 3&<=uéfœ¶Ÿ ™ bŒl* °‹´åG©œé‰ ¿
# 4

Originally Posted by: PoleraNot bad, good show!
On second thought... it needs more scantaly dress women :D
I agree, but a lot of forums are a bit stiff when it cums to porn posts!
No pun intended... :D
# 5

Originally Posted by: finger_cruncherHey man...
...beautiful stuff! Really dig it. Great chops, tasteful phrasing, and nice lead work. You have an awesome style. Keep it up...and let us know when you have more clips/audio.
Thanks bro. I'll at least have something for the Holidays.
# 6

Originally Posted by: DigitDoesn't work on a Mac... figures.
...but the pretty letters and numbers look really great!!
uéfœ¶Ÿ™bŒlB@§–“„“ó?†…^®P*Application>Windows Movie Maker 2.0.3312.0$WM/ParentalRatingWMFSDKVersion9.00.00.2980WMFSDKNeeded0.0.0.0000IsVBR3&<=uéfœ¶Ÿ™bŒl*°‹´åG©œé‰¿
Try putting them in hot pink on a black background. Now that is cool.
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 7

Good stuff. I've already watched most of those vids over on the harmony central forums.
One question i didnt ask before.. Does the tone sound that different in person ?
One question i didnt ask before.. Does the tone sound that different in person ?
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 8

Originally Posted by: Death55Good stuff. I've already watched most of those vids over on the harmony central forums.
One question i didnt ask before.. Does the tone sound that different in person ?
Thanks! :)
Not really. I used a "57" as mics because I don't have phantom power on my little 4-track. Otherwise I'd use a condensor mic, because they're more acurate, and responsive. However, the Shure 57 just adds a little color, and bite to the sound. But it's not that much different. The tones on my record are pretty acurate for the sounds I had dialed in at the time. I used a condensor on those recordings. You can hear them on the sound clips section of the site if you haven't already.
# 9
Sorry! I really dropped the ball on this one! Moved to "Listening Post"
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 10

wow,the quest solo has an awesome sound too it.
Those songs are very good,Good Job LeadFoot
Those songs are very good,Good Job LeadFoot
|/- :eek: Zeeky Boogy Doog :eek: -\|
< - (o .0) - >
< - (o .0) - >
# 11

Digit, download Windows Media Player for your Mac and the videos will work. I'm running Mac OS X (10.3.5) and they work fine on my computer.
"You must stab him in the heart with the Bone Saber of Zumacalis... well, you could stab him in the head or the lungs, too... and the saber, it probably doesn't have to be bone, just anything sharp lying around the house... you could poke him with a pillow and kill him."
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Universal Re-Monster
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Universal Re-Monster
# 12

very cool....
what kind of influences, scales and theory are behind the lift off solo?
what kind of influences, scales and theory are behind the lift off solo?
Alas for I am Jay! Reviver of very, very old threads!
# 13

Originally Posted by: cayotic727very cool....
what kind of influences, scales and theory are behind the lift off solo?
Major scales, and Pentatonics I suppose.
# 14

Originally Posted by: Metawow,the quest solo has an awesome sound too it.
Those songs are very good,Good Job LeadFoot
I'm real glad you liked them! Thanks. :)
# 15

# 16

Originally Posted by: cayotic727who are your influences?
I started on 80's radio rock, and metal. Journey, and Van Halen were big when I started, but it was Eddie that made me pick up a guitar. From there it was METAL! Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth...
I heard a Cacophony record back in the day, and thought it was ****. I can appreciate the guitar playing nowadays, but back then it didn't have any soul for me. But most of the shred players of the 80's didn't do anything for me. It was Metal that I was into.
# 17

i have to say those clips are unreal, the quest clip is unreal.
i want to start learning to shred (in the style of steve vai, joe satriani, john 5, yngwie malmsteem) have you got any tips of where to start & what techniques ill need to learn.
what sort of settings do you use to get your tone, its really good. can you tell me some good settings of shred to get started, i have a marshal jackhammer distortion pedal, korg AX1500G multi-fx (it has amp modelling so if you have any suggestions on which amps, cabs & effects can you tell me) & a fender princeton amp.
i want to start learning to shred (in the style of steve vai, joe satriani, john 5, yngwie malmsteem) have you got any tips of where to start & what techniques ill need to learn.
what sort of settings do you use to get your tone, its really good. can you tell me some good settings of shred to get started, i have a marshal jackhammer distortion pedal, korg AX1500G multi-fx (it has amp modelling so if you have any suggestions on which amps, cabs & effects can you tell me) & a fender princeton amp.
# 18

Thanks for the compliments! It means a lot to me. :)
If you wanna' play leads, then I'd say to start learning the Major, and minor scales. All scales are built off of them. The minor scale uses the same notes as a Major, but starts on a different note.
C Major: C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C
a minor: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-A
Same notes, but starting on different ones.
Learn them up and down, with alternating picking. Sequences are cool to mix it up a bit, and make it interesting.
D-C-E-D-F-E-G-F-A-G-B-A-C-B-D-C ect...
As far as settings, a 4x12 sound is the tops. Shred is the easiest to play with the most gain, 'cuz you don't have to press hard on the fretboard. But the more gain you use, the less distint, and washy your sound gets. So find the comprimise that works best for you. A low action will work in the beginnig to learn your scales. But to low, and your sound will be washy as well from all of the fret buzz.
As far as amp types, there's many different sounds that are good, so the journey in tone is finding the one that works for you. And were talking about tube amps here! For the most part, most players in rock use either a 6L6, or an EL 34 power tube in their amps. Try some amps with both, and figure out which one you like better. Both kinds have their own feel, and sound character. I use a 6L6 power tube.
This is what I use.
And with effects, just find your own voice with them. I'd start with delay. Find a repeat speed that works for you. Some people like a fast repeat, and some like it slower. Don't use to much of any effect, because you want it to compliment your playing, and not dominate it.
That will be $50... :D
If you wanna' play leads, then I'd say to start learning the Major, and minor scales. All scales are built off of them. The minor scale uses the same notes as a Major, but starts on a different note.
C Major: C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C
a minor: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-A
Same notes, but starting on different ones.
Learn them up and down, with alternating picking. Sequences are cool to mix it up a bit, and make it interesting.
D-C-E-D-F-E-G-F-A-G-B-A-C-B-D-C ect...
As far as settings, a 4x12 sound is the tops. Shred is the easiest to play with the most gain, 'cuz you don't have to press hard on the fretboard. But the more gain you use, the less distint, and washy your sound gets. So find the comprimise that works best for you. A low action will work in the beginnig to learn your scales. But to low, and your sound will be washy as well from all of the fret buzz.
As far as amp types, there's many different sounds that are good, so the journey in tone is finding the one that works for you. And were talking about tube amps here! For the most part, most players in rock use either a 6L6, or an EL 34 power tube in their amps. Try some amps with both, and figure out which one you like better. Both kinds have their own feel, and sound character. I use a 6L6 power tube.
This is what I use.

And with effects, just find your own voice with them. I'd start with delay. Find a repeat speed that works for you. Some people like a fast repeat, and some like it slower. Don't use to much of any effect, because you want it to compliment your playing, and not dominate it.
That will be $50... :D
# 19

cool, you have some money's worth of gear there like mate, :D
that rack thingy looks a beast.
ill definatelly try out those suggestions.
but can you tell me some sort of settings (gain, trebble, mid, bass, reverb, delay, etc) i can use to get a cool shred tone to work from, i normally play blues, & mellow blues like this me playing SRV - Lenny so i only really know how to dial up a good blues tone, im not looking for exact setting of a particular artist just a general sound to work from, just i try out some shred techniques & they sound so lame because of the tones ive got dialed up, i just want a tone i can make the stuff im learning sound kind of cool to give more incentive to play & practice more, i start practicing & it sound so lame i end up playing a load of old songs i can already play orite instead of practising new techniques.
that rack thingy looks a beast.
ill definatelly try out those suggestions.
but can you tell me some sort of settings (gain, trebble, mid, bass, reverb, delay, etc) i can use to get a cool shred tone to work from, i normally play blues, & mellow blues like this me playing SRV - Lenny so i only really know how to dial up a good blues tone, im not looking for exact setting of a particular artist just a general sound to work from, just i try out some shred techniques & they sound so lame because of the tones ive got dialed up, i just want a tone i can make the stuff im learning sound kind of cool to give more incentive to play & practice more, i start practicing & it sound so lame i end up playing a load of old songs i can already play orite instead of practising new techniques.
# 20