ace is 100% right about that, whatever works best for you.
i was comfortable using my thumb and finger, with little wrist movement. and i started playing with a guy that that had the wrist technique, and he was good at it, and i was so impressed with it, that i tried to learn that one, and forget about mine.
i didn't have good results. i did finally get better at it, though, and it is useful, so i guess what i'm trying to say is don't throw the technique you are comfortable with out the window, if you want to learn a new one, practice them both.
if you can change between the two at will, you may be able to reap the rewards of both, and not rely to heavily on one. i knew anothe guy that actually didn't move his wrist of fingers, but his whole forearm from the elbow. i wouldn't feel comfortable with it, but it worked for him.