anyone here play slide and have any pointers? i've been messing with it for a while now, so my trapping and picking are pretty quiet and neat.
i've just run out of ideas for licks, and don't have time to learn covers etc. ( i know i should) it's starting to sound like i'm playing the same three licks over and over, justwarped and tweaked to try to sound different. not working. :)
who slides? who slides here?

# 1
My instructors page and for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 2

thanks, but i saw that thread already, and didn't find what i was looking for, so i started this one. that one seemed to be geared towards talking about what players people like.
i kind of wanted to talk about playing ( or not being able to ,lol) slide.
i kind of wanted to talk about playing ( or not being able to ,lol) slide.
# 3

i play slide!!!, well just started really but its opened a whole new area of playing for me, was stuck in a rut myself. i saw ben harper in concert an he plays amazing slide guitar, but plays it across his lap. any way, try an alternative tuning. mine now is set to E B E E B E. an i found that quite a few licks an riffs could be made out of that very easily. other than listenin to other artists and their styles (i would suggest ben harper. Amazing!) or try playin along to a simple chord based song, that you know well, and playing something different over it usin slide chords. this is where the above tuning comes in very handy as it is open tuning so you can slide the chords about.
The sun is shining the weather is sweet
# 4

i'm kind of scared of alternate tunings, i've messed with open e alittle, but didn't come up with a lot i liked. some little ideas, but couldn't tie them together well.
i tried your tuning suggestion for a couple of minutes today. one big power chord, root and fifth lol. kind of a neat concept that may take the fear out of alternate tunings for me. leaves it open to fill in the blanks for whatever chord you're playing over. cool idea
i tried your tuning suggestion for a couple of minutes today. one big power chord, root and fifth lol. kind of a neat concept that may take the fear out of alternate tunings for me. leaves it open to fill in the blanks for whatever chord you're playing over. cool idea
# 5

cool glad it helped!! another bit of advice is dont be afraid of sounding crap!!!!
its a stage you have to go through in order to get good at something. i found using alternate tunings far far easier than using standard (when tuned to an open chord), even when i had no idea of where i could play on the neck, or what would sound good.
i have found when playing guitar "normally" i "think" with chords, i.e. not really melodically or rhythmically. but when i get a slide my whole style becomes based around rhythm, i often knock out the beat on my acoustic with my hand whilst playing meaning that there are far more gaps inbetween what im playing and gives a very rhythmic feel. an example of this type of playin is from ben harper (in open e as well!) its called " when its good" if ya listen to it you'll notice how it is all based around the beat. i found this to be very different to everything else i've ever played an opened loads of new stuff up wich i wouldn't have thought of otherwise
its a stage you have to go through in order to get good at something. i found using alternate tunings far far easier than using standard (when tuned to an open chord), even when i had no idea of where i could play on the neck, or what would sound good.
i have found when playing guitar "normally" i "think" with chords, i.e. not really melodically or rhythmically. but when i get a slide my whole style becomes based around rhythm, i often knock out the beat on my acoustic with my hand whilst playing meaning that there are far more gaps inbetween what im playing and gives a very rhythmic feel. an example of this type of playin is from ben harper (in open e as well!) its called " when its good" if ya listen to it you'll notice how it is all based around the beat. i found this to be very different to everything else i've ever played an opened loads of new stuff up wich i wouldn't have thought of otherwise
The sun is shining the weather is sweet
# 7
Ok, a little off topic, but the thread title "Who slides? Who slides here?" Reminds me of that song: "I'm livin in a box, I'm livin' in a CARDBOARD BOX!" I think it's by Wang Chung.
# 8

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