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Joined: 10/07/03
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Registered User
Joined: 10/07/03
Posts: 77
08/29/2004 11:02 pm
Good thread
BANDS (no order)

Stevie Ray Vaughan/Govt Mule
and most recent favorite... Rise Against

Guitarists (no order)

Dimebag Darrell/Zakk Wylde (such similar SCREAMING styles)
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Kirk Hammett (1st main influence for me, although Ive lost interest in his distorted wah pedal solos)
John Petrucci (almost TOO technical!!! :)
Oh, and Leo Cockie (sp?)

And, just out of left field here, Marty Friedman is better then Dave Mustaine because he has more style. Dave can wail all he wants, dont get me wrong.
And as far as that goes, it is in my opinion that Dave Mustaine is better then Kirk Hammett, but Kirk's band comes equipt with the riff master himself (james hetfield) Im glad they threw Dave out or there would have been no Megadeth. Oh, and D. Darrell reigns over kerry king. Okay, Im done now.
Any wayz...

Best band of all time just about has to be Led Zepplin (in my opinion) not much I can say that hasnt been said about em. Its strange of me to say that though because I dont actually own any zepplin cds, but Ive heard em all like most people here.

Fav. style of music, mine is always morphing. I guess its been old school punk for a few years consistently, but then blues just grabs your soul. Metal pumps me up to lift weights and stuff....
Music rules, beer rules. Music about beer cannot be topped.