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Slow Diver
Registered User
Joined: 02/27/02
Posts: 379
Slow Diver
Registered User
Joined: 02/27/02
Posts: 379
08/10/2004 9:17 am

Jane's Addiction
Faith No More
Massive Attack
(sorry, thats 6, but I could not give up any of these)

Guitar Players:

Dave Navarro
Mike Einziger
Jerry Cantrel
Tom Morello
John Frusciante

And some snapshots of my views about music
Generally, I find extremely technical guitar heroes quite boring and sterile
For me it matters more when the band as a whole has something to say, ie a political statement, a challenge to our perceptions.
Also, I am getting more and more interested in new forms of expression, which synthesise music with drama, choreography, visual arts and so on. I am looking forward in making joint projects with artists from these fields.
So, music as a sole aesthetical aim is not enough for me
Also, I am totaly open for all kinds of musical influences, and I believe that the broader spectrum of music one can absorb, the better music one can make. I relly dont understand the type of people who get stuck during their whole life in GN'R, Aerosmith, and so on.
Still I find that the style of music I feel most close to is late 80's and 90's Alternative/Post Alternative/Indie/etc.
Also, I appreciate classical music and jazz, but I can never listen to more than 15min, despite the fact that I consider myself influenced by jazz.
I see I have gone too far away from the topic, but I think it was necessary for me to explain my values, so that people get a better understanding
The world is loaded, it's lit to pop, nobody is gonna stop!