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Registered User
Joined: 11/12/03
Posts: 389
Registered User
Joined: 11/12/03
Posts: 389
08/10/2004 2:35 am
1) Queensryche
2) Dream Theater
3) Rush
4) Big Wreck
5) SRV/ Double Trouble

1) Satch
2) Michael Wilton/ Chris Degarmo
3) SRV
4) John Pertucci
5) Alex Lifeson

Best bands are Hard to say... Ill take a shot at it tho...

Best bands ever: IMO ( this doesnt mean i like all the bands on the list)
1) The Beatles
2) Led Zeppelin
3) Metallica
4) Korn ( name another band that changed music as much as they did... They created the Nu-Metal scene, even if you dont like it.)
5) Run DMC : I really felt that they kind of opened the US to rap.
Member of band: Amphiptere (am-fi-teer)
Genre: Speed Metal, Thrash Metal
I am: Lead guitar