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The Ace
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 11/27/03
Posts: 802
The Ace
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 11/27/03
Posts: 802
08/05/2004 8:34 pm
Bands (in no order) -

The Beatles
Ozzy's group with Randy Rhoads
Charlie Parker with Dizzy Gillespie (they were in a ton of groups...)
The Jimi Hendrix Experience

Guitarists (in no order) -

Barney Kessel
Steve Vai
Eric Clapton
Jeff Beck
Randy Rhoads

I think that Clapton has to be one of the best singer/guitarist combos... he's just so into it. The beatles are in top 5 bands just because of there awe inspring song writing capability (I'm not just talking about those pop songs). Parker and Diz were just brilliant with Bebop, I couldn't leave them out. Randy Rhoads is my favorite guitarist, even though I don't really like the genre... Steve Vai and Jeff Beck are plain ol' crazy... Barney Kessel did sooo much with his instrument, at a time when jazz lead guitarists were unheard of (other than Django and Charlie Christian)

I can't say who the best band is... 'cuz there's so much good stuff out there... Queen was totally brilliant.

Favorite style of music: Jazz and Blues, I like shred and all that... but I can only take so much of it... I could listen to one jazz or blues song over and over... and never get tired. Just the feel is great. Blues may not be very technical, but it has tons of soul. Jazz also has soul and is friggin hard to play well.

Best guitarist I can't say... Maybe Al Di Meola... or John Mclaughlin... I don't really know there are sooo many.

Now I can honestly say that I don't like some music... But I can't say that one is bad, 'cuz that's naive (even though it has no relevance watsoever... i thot i'd say it)
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks