essen mein scheißen
Sweep Picking, in need of extreme help!

Hi, I have been playing for about 2 years now and I can play fairly fast. I don't know any theory or anything about scales and I hope I never do, but in the last two weeks or so I've been trying to find a good explanation of sweep picking and have yet to find one. If anyone could help me out in plain english it would be much appreciated. I just can't figure out how to move my fingers correctly and I can't find a video file on the net either. I have been trying my darndest to figure it out but I can't get my head around it. [email][/email]
# 1
This is more of a technique question than theory, but I'll try my best. If you want a more comprehensive answer, try posting in the Technique and Style forum.
Sweep picking is, for me, the hardest thing on guitar. It basically has to do with playing across the strings using a sweeping motion instead of actually picking each individual string. It usually involves playing some sort of arpeggio. Search the tricks and you'll find tons of sweeping patterns to practice.
BTW, on a side note, you might actually want to learn some theory. It will do wonders for your playing.
Sweep picking is, for me, the hardest thing on guitar. It basically has to do with playing across the strings using a sweeping motion instead of actually picking each individual string. It usually involves playing some sort of arpeggio. Search the tricks and you'll find tons of sweeping patterns to practice.
BTW, on a side note, you might actually want to learn some theory. It will do wonders for your playing.
# 2

[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 3

I thought I had posted it in the Technique and Style section lol, old age getting to me. But thanks, I did search the site and got some helpful stuff
essen mein scheißen
# 4

Buy a DVD of Yngwie Malmsteen or Steve Vai or Frank Gambale and you'll see sweeping. Just watching it done by a master will help you understand.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and DVDs usually run at 30 frames per second, so watching Yngwie do a 2.6 second F#m sweep arpeggio is like reading 80,000 words, which is the equivalent of your average novel (sorry, college has made me into a math nerd)
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and DVDs usually run at 30 frames per second, so watching Yngwie do a 2.6 second F#m sweep arpeggio is like reading 80,000 words, which is the equivalent of your average novel (sorry, college has made me into a math nerd)
"You must stab him in the heart with the Bone Saber of Zumacalis... well, you could stab him in the head or the lungs, too... and the saber, it probably doesn't have to be bone, just anything sharp lying around the house... you could poke him with a pillow and kill him."
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Universal Re-Monster
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Universal Re-Monster
# 5

try running up and down this A minor appregio
start slow
try running up and down this A minor appregio
start slow
Alas Gandalf lives, Middle Earth is again safe...
# 6