*I am in no way shape or form affiliated with any of the below*
Tim works very well with hollowbody guitars, and my custom will be much like the "Fishy Hollowbody", but with a few differences (benedetto in the neck pickup position, "thumbnail" inlays" instead of blocks (looks almost like a classical guitar fretboard, but better because of the neck binding) I could order today and pay for it all with the money i have in the bank from working at Pick' N Save!
Matt is very talented at making musical instruments, especially good at working with Cocobolo. He doesn't really update his webpage though, which is a turn off.
These guys make the best basses in the world, but they also burn a hole in your pocketbook the fastest! They make guitars too, but the electronics are **** on the guitars. Still elegant on the eyes though!
John Reuter makes some beautiful instruments, but it's a little hard to contact him, as he spends so much time teaching other people Guitar Luthiery at the University of Arizona. I haven't talked to him in about 7 months, he said he was cutting back on making instruments due to time constraints, but I'm not sure if that's the case still or not.
This guy is very young, but makes some good musical instruments that have recieved pretty good advertisement in magazines like GuitarWorld, GuitarOne, etc. I can only imagine how good he'll be in 15 years.
I'm trying to find the website of the girl who makes Pat Metheny's acoustics, like his 46-stringer, also, I'm trying to find Doug Irwin's website as well as Paul Langedoc (if they even have them). Doug Irwin made Jerry Garcia's guitars, the ones that sold for $1 million a piece or so, and Paul Langedoc made Trey's guitars (every single hollowbody he's played, in fact...).
Oh yeah, I don't consider this to be worthy of a move to the "Gear" section, since this is more about the people who make the instruments and their websites. Well, that and there's more traffic on the open forum!
Let the listings begin!