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Modes of the Major Scale

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Let's start with the A Major scale and number the scale degrees:

A(1) - B(2) - C#(3) - D(4) - E(5) - F#(6) - G#(7) - A(1)

Also, note the formula of intervals that create the major scale (WS is whole step or two frets; HS is half step or one fret):

A - WS - B - WS - C# - HS - D - WS - E - WS - F# - WS - G# - HS - A

1st - WS - 2nd - WS - Major 3rd - HS - 4th - WS - 5th - WS - Major 6th - WS - Major 7th - HS - 1st

Letting the 1st scale note (A) start the scale obviously results in the same thing as the major scale. So the first mode, named, ionian, is exactly the same as the major scale. Therefore, it has the exact same formula of intervals in between its degrees.


A - WS - B - WS - C# - HS - D - WS - E - WS - F# - WS - G# - HS - A

1st - WS - 2nd - WS - Major 3rd - HS - 4th - WS - 5th - WS - Major 6th - WS - Major 7th - HS - 1st

First we'll play ionian in one octave, then we'll play it using a 3-note per string pattern that will cover all six strings. In the next lesson we'll experiment with playing the mode over a backing track that uses chords to help highlight the sound of ionian.

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Modes of the Major Scale