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Fingerpicking Patterns For Beginners

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In this tutorial, you’re going to learn the basics of putting down the flat pick and using your fingers instead. This is often called fingerstyle guitar. If this is your first time using your fingers instead of a flat pick it may be intimidating, but stick with it as I methodically take you through the steps to develop your right hand technique from the ground up.

We’re going to learn two basic right hand picking patterns: thumb 1 2 3, and thumb 2 1 3.

You’re going to learn how to switch chords with your left hand while keeping our keeping your right hand going simultaneously.
We’re also going to learn how to switch our right hand picking patterns mid chord progression.

We’ll go through this step-by-step adding more chords in along the way, until eventually, we’ll put these concepts together in a musical context, and play a song.

Lesson Info
Instructor Collin Hill
Fingerpicking Patterns For Beginners