In this lesson we'll learn the melody of the A section, the 12 bar blues in F! Notice how the melody closely follows the chord progression by leaning on chord tones with bluesy embellishments from chromatic passing tones. This melody is full of great bluesy phrases and ideas. Tunes like this are the origin of so many stereotypical bluesy lines.
Lesson Info
Christopher Schlegel
Tutorial Lessons
- The Memphis Blues: Introduction
- Guitar 1 Intro Chords
- Guitar 1 A Section Chords
- Guitar 1 B Section Chords
- Guitar 1 Re-Intro Chords
- Guitar 1 C Section Chords
- Guitar 1 Overall Form
- Guitar 2 Intro Melody
- Guitar 2 A Section Melody
- Guitar 2 B Section Melody
- Guitar 2 Re-Intro Melody
- Guitar 2 C Section Melody
- Guitar 2 Overall Form
- The Memphis Blues: Full Performance
- The Memphis Blues: Guitar 1 Chords Jam Along
- The Memphis Blues: Guitar 2 Melody Jam Along
- The Memphis Blues: Jam Along