Switching From Dm to Am

In the previous tutorial we explored a whole little chord family in the key of A major, which consisted of A major being the home base, D major was going for a walk outside and E major was turning around and heading home. Now let's explore that same relationship but using all minor chords instead of major chords.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Chord Family In The Key of A Minor
Any Style
Switching From Dm to Am song notation

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Questions & Answers

4 months ago
Hello Anders, what about using the pinky instead of the ring finger? Is it still OK or would I have a disadvantage in a later chord change or subsequent note? Thank you!
Mike Olekshy 3 months ago

Hello - thanks so much for your question! Yes it is okay to use the pinky instead of the ring finger for the Dm. In most cases, this is fine, but there may be some situations where you'd want to use your pinky to add a fretted note on the high E string, so in that case, you would use your ring finger on the B string.