Let's say we have a song in a key, where your typical open chords don't work; that could be the key of B-flat for example. Then you could of course use your barre-chords, but they don't always sound as chimey and exciting as the open chords.
As always we want to navigate from the root notes. You have your B-flat note in the 1st fret of the A string and in the 6th fret of the E string. First, let's look at the root on the A string.
Using an A major shaped B-flat chord, all you have to do is to place the capo where you barring finger is. Make sure it's right on the other side of the frets and test that all the strings are ringing fully, before you start fretting. Often times you'll have to adjust your tuning once you add the capo.
Now think of the capo as your barring finger and add the A major shaped chord with your 3rd finger (show with 1st finger on capo). Ditch the barring finger and just play what looks like an A major chord, but rings as a B-flat major chord.