Now let me show you the second harmony lead part- we'll call this one lead guitar 2. We'll be in the same position, but starting on the third of the chord. If you get really good at playing these harmony lines you can use each of them as a separate jazzy, country lick- in this song and a million others.
Lesson Info
Anders Mouridsen
Tutorial Lessons
- She Got The Goldmine: Welcome
- She Got The Goldmine: Gear & Tone
- Song Intro: Guitar 1
- Song Intro: Guitar 2
- Verse: Guitar 1 & 2
- Pre-Chorus: Guitar 1
- Chorus: Guitar 1
- Chorus: Guitar 2
- Solo: Lead #1
- Solo: Lead #2
- Solo: Lead #3
- Guitars 1 & 2: Bridal Chorus
- Final Wall Of Lead Guitars
- She Got The Goldmine: Full Performance
- She Got The Goldmine: For Single Guitar
- She Got The Goldmine: Jam Along