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Old Time Rock And Roll

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What’s up, it's Mike from Guitar Tricks, teaching you "Old Time Rock & Roll" as made famous by Bob Seger. This is a bar band classic featuring some solid rhythm and great leads.

This song features 2 guitar layers. Guitar 1 is the rhythm guitar that pays a steady boogie riff chord progression throughout. Guitar 2 is the lead guitar which lays into some classic rock fills and soloing.

The song features a simple I, IV, V chord progression using an 8 bar blues form, repeated throughout. It kicks off with an iconic piano riff that we've adapted for guitar. Next the drums kick into a groove, with Guitar 1 locking in and providing a solid foundation. Guitar 2 enters the mix throughout the song, with an 8 bar solo, as well as plenty of call and response type fills in between the vocals.

To play this tune using only one guitar, play Guitar 1, switching to Guitar 2 for the solo.
In the following lessons, we'll talk about a boogie-based rhythm pattern, palm muting, dynamics, and some tasty classic rock soloing. We are in the key of F# major, with a 4/4 time signature, at a tempo of 124 BPM.

Lesson Info
Instructor Mike Olekshy
Old Time Rock And Roll