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Walking In Memphis

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After the bridge we are going to go back to playing our main motif with the band out two times through before the vocals come back in for a refrain back to our first verse, and a ritard to end the song. We have some tempo changes here to try and match this for the sake of this tutorial, along with a click track to help guide you in and out.

We start things off by playing our main motif with the anticipated rhythms four times, just like we did in our intro and first verse. We will play through this four more times once the vocals are in before slowing the tempo down and replaying the tag of the vocals.

On the repeat of the vocal melody, you will play through the main chord progression one more time as the tempo slows down to 113 and then to 90 while hanging on our Ami chord awaiting for the vocals to cue us back in.

The vocals will cue you back in, playing F and then G with the melody. You will then be cued with a click for one measure at our original tempo, going back to playing our main motif to four times through with a slight ritard ending on a C chord.

Again, all these changes in tempo and feel are meant to try and teach things that can be hard to teach in a video. Playing a great feel and good dynamics comes with experience and focus, and once you feel like you have these changes down with the metronome try playing and singing the song on your own and see how you do matching the feel of a song like this.

Lesson Info
Walking In Memphis