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Practicing Major Triads & Inversions Series 2

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Here we have the A major, D major and E major triad chords in root position on the A, D, & G strings.

We have the same exact shape that we can simply shift up and down the fretboard in order to create three different chords.

Anytime you practice it is valuable to have a reliable standard to measure your progress. Usually this involves playing some specific musical idea, scales or chords along with a metronome in order to gradually improve. In this case, we have a group of chords that we will practice over a backing track. In my experience it is much more motivating, rewarding and fun to play along with a backing track than a metronome. A metronome certainly has it's place in the musician's tool kit. But, we are eventually going to play music with these chords.

The backing track is a simple audio recording of a bass and drums playing the same thing over and again. The bass plays the root notes of the chords we are practicing: A, D, A and E. The bass plays even 1/8th notes walking from chord to chord using notes of the A major scale. Each chord gets two measures, making a total of 8 measures then repeating.

  • A major for 2 measures

  • D major for 2 measures

  • A major for 2 measures

  • E major for 2 measures

  • Repeat!

    ||: A | A | D | D | A | A | E | E :||

    The bass and drums outline a simple back beat pop-rock rhythm with a cymbal crash to mark the chord changes. The ultimate goal with this tutorial is to play along with every chord or note, changing at the right time and playing right along in rhythm. Along the way you may need to "miss" the last chord or two in any measure in order to get to the next chord in time. That's fine. Do that until you can add those "missing" chords and fill in all the blanks.

    Explore all the possibilities once you have the shapes and motions firmly under your fingers.

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    Practicing Major Triads & Inversions Series 2