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Seamless Chord Changes For Beginners

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One of the most challenging tasks for a new guitarist can be making chord changes smoothly and quickly, without creating a pause in the music. Often times, coming up with a specific strategy for getting from one chord to the next can make all the difference.

The first two strategies we looked at in this tutorial involved chords which share a note in common, and chord changes in which one of your fingers will remain on the same string, and will simply slide into place as you go from one chord to the next. The third strategy involved streamlining your finger movements as much as possible, and eliminating any extraneous moves.

This last strategy involves chords whose bass note (lowest sounding note included in the chord) is a fretted note, as opposed to an open string. Of the chords we have studied in this series, this would include the G chord, C chord, F chord, and B7 chord.

Most right hand techniques, whether strumming or fingerpicking, require you to play the bass note first. If you have that note in place from the beginning, it can buy you an extra millisecond to get the rest of the chord constructed as you proceed with whatever your right hand rhythm is.

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Seamless Chord Changes For Beginners