Velvet Revolver!

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06/07/2004 1:28 pm
Brilliant Album!!

Where do I start... Jeez I duno :confused:

It sounds like Guns n Roses... a lot of the songs could have easily been on the Illusions albums. And if they were, many of them would have been our favourites back then!

Ive listened to it thru a good 4 times now and at least 8 songs outa tha 14 have instantly jumped out at me as being classics. Thats a good a very good sign!!

The song 'Fall to Pieces' Im sure is from the old guns days too. Its sounds fimiliar to a riff that never made it into the final cut of estranged!

Anyway, you gota get this record!!

Kriss :)
# 1
Jolly McJollyson
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Jolly McJollyson
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06/07/2004 2:36 pm
Geee...I wonder why Velvet Revolver would sound like Guns and Roses? Do they really? Wow, I never would have guessed that. Who would've thought that Slash still plays in his own style?

jk :D
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06/08/2004 12:07 am
Slashs Snakepit didnt sound like Guns n Roses.....
I remember why I stopped wasting my time coming to this site... full of sarcastic $Ā£*%$ :mad:
# 3
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06/11/2004 3:34 pm
Yeah, the first time I heard the solo Slither, I could right away tell that was Slash :cool:
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Jolly McJollyson
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Jolly McJollyson
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06/11/2004 8:27 pm
Actually, having listened to it, Velvet Revolver DOESN'T sound like Guns and Roses. It sounds like Stone Temple Pilots with Slash on guitar.
I want the bomb
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06/13/2004 10:21 pm
I was wondering, is Slash's real name Slash and did he change it officially, or is that his nickname. I know his birth name was Saul Hudson and does he go by Saul Hudson or Slash in Velvet Revolver?
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06/14/2004 12:34 am
Originally Posted by: Jolly McJollysonActually, having listened to it, Velvet Revolver DOESN'T sound like Guns and Roses.

Ok! So what was all that sacrastic crap about how slash couldnt possibly sound like anything other than GnR!

Anyway, its a cool record... but the more I listen to it the more I think the second snakepit album is actually better.

The annoying thing is Velvet Revolver should treat this album like a GnR follow up. They should play lots of GnR classics in there set list but it looks like they are sticking to just a couple. I no its a new band but come on, everyone would love to hear the classic Guns songs amoungst the new VR one. And why shouldnt they play em! Axl is, and hes less guns n roses than VR r!

# 7
Grizzled Spellchecker
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06/14/2004 2:09 am
Originally Posted by: Axl_RoseThe annoying thing is Velvet Revolver should treat this album like a GnR follow up. They should play lots of GnR classics in there set list but it looks like they are sticking to just a couple. I no its a new band but come on, everyone would love to hear the classic Guns songs amoungst the new VR one. And why shouldnt they play em! Axl is, and hes less guns n roses than VR r!


I would think that Scott Weiland doesn't like singing someone else's songs.
... and that's all I have to say about that.

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# 8
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06/14/2004 2:40 am
scott wieland is nt that good. Velvet revolver is good but mostly because theres not much else good out there right now. Slash style is different then his previous bands but deffinitly not better. none the less its better then not producing ablums like Axl Rose.
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 9
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06/14/2004 2:46 pm
Hmm.... I duno.... I think the sad truth is Guns n Roses were awesome simply because you have Slash/Duff/Izzy writing cool riffs and one of the greatest frontmen of all time, Axl Rose, writing cool tunes.
I really think in the future Axl n Slash will get talkin again.
Hmm... Imagine if you were a terrorist and demanded that axl n slash be locked in a room for an hour :( that would probably save rock n roll!
# 10
Grizzled Spellchecker
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06/14/2004 3:35 pm
Originally Posted by: Axl_RoseHmm... Imagine if you were a terrorist and demanded that axl n slash be locked in a room for an hour :( that would probably save rock n roll!

I think you'd end up with one dead Axl. Man, Slash has some serious pipes!
... and that's all I have to say about that.

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# 11
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06/16/2004 3:10 am
Being a HUGE Gunners and Slash fan i was hanging for this album and to hear some great guitar.

I have to say I am a little disapointed to be truely honest.

In my opinion it doesnt have the GNR style i was expecting. And there is very little guitar work to be excited about.

It is actually the most disapointing album guitar wise I have heard from Slash. What I love about him is his ability to really enhance a song and 'talk' with his guitar, you know show great emotion. And i loved his sound.

However in this album for the first time im going to have to say I think Slash hasnt delivered as he normally does.

The guitar playing seems to have a real 'backseat' importance on this album and some of the solos sound like there wasnt a real lot of thought/emotion in them.

I read Slash say it was real different for him, they recorded things in different order to how he used to, he normally sticks to his Les Paul but varied and used differet equipment during the album.

Well im afraid by doing things differently he lost what makes him so great. The solos just seemed to fall short and there werent many ass kickin riffs that i really thought were great like in the gunners or snakepit days.

A good example is Fall to pieces. The solo in that had the chance to explode into a classic. But it just didnt really go anywhere. You can hear when the chords change and he flicks the pickup to the treble one and he should have gone for it like in 'back and fourth again'. A similar part happens in that solo and he makes it fantastic.

Same with you got no right. Has potential to be a Slash classic but too short and doesnt take the song anywhere great.

A good album dont get me wrong, but not enough Slash style playing. It almost appears he didnt get much input or has changed his style and lost his edge.

Just my opinion from a HUGE Slash fan. I really loved GNR and thought the Snakepit albums were great fillied with great guitar work. Its five o'clock somewhere is a Slash fans dream!
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06/16/2004 6:40 pm
Originally Posted by: Axl_RoseHmm... Imagine if you were a terrorist and demanded that axl n slash be locked in a room for an hour :( that would probably save rock n roll!

LOL actually, Dave Mustaine thinks Axl Rose killed rock n roll. He doenst like GNR that much. Too bad Slash can kick is ass in guitar
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