i cant find a guitar

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06/04/2004 2:21 pm
For the past month I have gone toSam Ash or Guitar center Tons of times looking for a guitar I like. When I look at a guitar the most important thing to me is the neck, then tone, then shape/looks. Not a single guitar I have played has had what I thought to be a good neck. I have played Ibanez's Strats Tele's and some Jacksons and here were the big problems i had with them; back of the neck not smooth /frets too low/ and my finger touchs the fretboard so much that i can hardly play the guitar. I have enough to get any guitar i would think of buying so can anyone suggest any possible solutions or any guitars?
Alas for I am Jay! Reviver of very, very old threads!
# 1
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06/04/2004 5:57 pm
If you cant find one at guitar center then you have some serious probelems..Ive bought 3 of my guitars from guitar center and there are all good.
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 2
Gear Guru
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06/04/2004 7:44 pm
Maybe the time has come for you to build one instead of buying "off the rack". Check out these books:

Building The Ultimate Solid Body Guitar

Building The Ultimate Fender Telecaster

I bought a copy of the first one, and it was a real eye-opener! I've been lusting after a Tele for some time now. I'm going to get a copy of the second book, and start acquiring parts. Don't worry if you miss one of these auctions. Ron Kirn has these titles on eBay all the time. Just click on the link to "View seller's other items" and use the "Buy it now" link for the title you want.
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# 3
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06/04/2004 8:13 pm
Either your local Guitar Center is a fraud or maybe your standards on a guitar are too high. Ibanez's, Strats and Tele's are all factory made and my Strat will probually be the same as your Strat. (unless if its a Mexican, American Strat, or custumly build) Now how is see it, ALL those guitars you mentioned above are high quality guitars with professionals playing them. So like, how can the frets be too low on one guitar and not on another when they are the same model. (cause the neck on my Stratocaster is very nice and smooth even though its older than me :) )
It also depends on what your acheving to play.
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# 4
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06/06/2004 10:10 pm
i had never thought to play a flying V before and the guy at guitar centewr handed me one. SCORE****** IT KICKED A** :D but that day i also ended up at sam ash and tried playing an ibanez destroyerand now i have a 3rd option strat but replace the neck possibly with a scalloped warmoth
Alas for I am Jay! Reviver of very, very old threads!
# 5
Andrew Sa
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06/11/2004 12:11 pm
Remember that alot of problems can be solved with a setup.Obviously you dont want something with a ****e neck, but for most other things, setting your guitar up really seems to help.
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 6
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06/11/2004 1:28 pm
Try PRS, they make the best guitars I have ever played.

I have a CE24 and in the face of a Gibson Studio Les Paul, About 5 Strats and a thinline Tele there is no competition. Stand them next to an Overwater or a Lag or a Gorden Smith and they still come away smiling !

Are they worth the dollar......

yes, with out a doubt !

Or try a Line 6 vareax, the 700 series are weird looking and the originals are modeled on a weird looking Danelectrico boohog, however the variety of sounds they produce is amazing.
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
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# 7
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06/12/2004 4:23 am
Your rave reviews of that particular model got my attention, and one of the guys I jam with once in a while has a particularly sweet example of the marque, but I think I'll save my pennies and have Warmoth produce a neck and body for me to mount my choice of hardware on. I happen to like thick necks - thin necks bring my thumb and finger tips unnaturally close together. And I already have an ideal bridge with individual saddles, that does not have that massive metal plate extending past the pickup.

I have a few choices to make yet, like pickups, but then, I have a ways to go before I have enough coin on hand to order the parts with. The DiMarzio Tone Zone T may turn out ot be my choice for the bridge pickup, but I don't know what I should consider for the neck. Forget Bennedettos (or Bardolinis for that matter), I want something that sounds strong and articulate, without costing major cash. I have been told that this is one place where the Humbucker From Hell really shines.

hmm... :confused:
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# 8
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06/12/2004 7:45 am
Originally Posted by: PonyOneoh, BTW, i got to try an SBG-500 on my trip to Boston not long ago. i was about an inch away from getting it (they only wanted $300 for it). i think it was an '84, it had a few dents but nothing major, and what appeared to be a DiMarzio Super Distortion in the bridge (i know it wasn't the ToneZone). i ended up not getting it because I would've had too many carryons, but, i wish i would have... it was everything you made it out to be. i tested it against an early 90's LP Standard that they had and i honestly preferred the Yamaha.
:D Ah, sweet vindication! :D
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# 9
Incidents Happen
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07/27/2004 10:34 pm
Originally Posted by: PonyOne
I haven't seen Incidents Happen here for awhile but we suggested he get something custom, and he had these specs of a guitar that had like 20 knobs and switches and etc on it, made of wood that was so rare it might as well just have been dipped in the blood of an elf and had unicorn horn ground into the finish and pieces of the Jade Monkey as the fret markers... he eventually toned it down drastically but I don't know if he ever got it built.

Ah yes, I'm almost done saving for it; I have about $3500 so far- What I did tone down was the electronic complex, but nothing else.

the website is www.moriartyguitars.com

Matt doesn't update it very much, he's a busy guy.

The wood is Cocobolo, one of the (if not the) most luxurious and highly valued woods in the world for musical instruments. Cocobolo is more commonly seen on Alembic Basses, but i've seen a few Cocobolo guitars; The FX Bypass idea is phasing out, slowly getting away from effects (I use an Envelope Filter and a wah pedal, and that's it now). The reason I use the envelope filter is because it can at times simulate instruments like a flute, if played right. When I get MIDI, I just might drop the envelope filter.

I'm also considering getting a Mesa Boogie Mark I Re-Issue; they are suprisingly small, lightweight, and loud; They have very nice clean tones, as well as nice overdriven tones (if I ever decide that I like distortion!). They cost about $1300, but I won't have a problem paying that...:)

[U]Personal Rant[/U]
I've never liked distortion. I see distortion as "forced energy", and while sometimes it's okay, typically it's overused and abused. While I enjoy people like Dave Gilmour who layer effects like a stack of pancakes, it's just not me.
[U]End Personal Rant[/U]

I'll let you guys know when I get the custom.

# 10
Grizzled Spellchecker
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07/28/2004 4:27 am
Originally Posted by: Incidents HappenWhile I enjoy people like Dave Gilmour who layer effects like a stack of pancakes, it's just not me.

Common misconception. Although Gilmour is definitely an effects-horse, he only ever uses/used a few at one time.
... and that's all I have to say about that.

[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]

# 11
Incidents Happen
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07/30/2004 6:41 am
Originally Posted by: iamthe_eggmanCommon misconception. Although Gilmour is definitely an effects-horse, he only ever uses/used a few at one time.

His acoustic stuff is pretty non-layered, but i've seen diagrams of his gear, and yes, he does layer his FX. He has a CAE custom switcher that Bob Bradshaw made and is typically used for guitarists who layer effects;

but it's all perception. How many effects does it take for you to be considered layered? For me, that number isn't very large (to me, 3>=layered).

# 12
Big as Elvis, Baby
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07/30/2004 1:21 pm
Cocobolo, is very hard, dense and heavy, probably makes a much better fretboard than a guitar, See many guitars made from Ebony? No, They both have about the same cost and availability, when you don't see alot of guitars made from a particular species of wood, it usually isn't a cost issue, because everyone knows that a guitarist and his money are soon parted...
# 13
Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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07/31/2004 2:53 am
Originally Posted by: pstringCocobolo, is very hard, dense and heavy, probably makes a much better fretboard than a guitar, See many guitars made from Ebony? No, They both have about the same cost and availability, when you don't see alot of guitars made from a particular species of wood, it usually isn't a cost issue, because everyone knows that a guitarist and his money are soon parted...

You are so wrong on so many fronts, I'm not even going to waste my time.

# 14
Big as Elvis, Baby
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Big as Elvis, Baby
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07/31/2004 5:06 am
Oh yeah, name one......
# 15
Grizzled Spellchecker
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Grizzled Spellchecker
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07/31/2004 8:46 pm
Originally Posted by: Incidents HappenHis acoustic stuff is pretty non-layered, but i've seen diagrams of his gear, and yes, he does layer his FX. He has a CAE custom switcher that Bob Bradshaw made and is typically used for guitarists who layer effects;

but it's all perception. How many effects does it take for you to be considered layered? For me, that number isn't very large (to me, 3>=layered).


Hmmm... can't think of any songs of the top of my head that he uses more than 3 effects on... unless you count his EMGs as an effect. Or maybe his fingers should be counted as an effect, too?
... and that's all I have to say about that.

[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]

# 16

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