John Huldt
great unknown guitarist!

Check out this swedish guy! He really kicks ass. Very technical but high on feel with awsome songs! There´s four songs on the website but four more should be up within a week or so. Kinda Vai, Satriani-style...
# 1

# 2
# 3
Originally Posted by: mc9mmWhy are you talking about yourself in third person?
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 4

Yeah, I know, It´s kinda stupid, but to draw attention, you have to brag a little and I hate to sell myself as a musician. But I think I´m doing pretty well as a guitarist, so what should I do? Check out the ne songs coming up next week. Some great playing on those songs. I´m pretty satisfied with the results. But you´re right. Hope you like the songs though! Cheers! :-)
John Huldt
# 5
LOL! great! - do you know that unknown austrian guy? with that insanely looking guitar? DANG! HE KICKS ASS! *LOL* ;)
however - realy realy nice playing, great ideas and sound - keep it up!
however - realy realy nice playing, great ideas and sound - keep it up!
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 6

Glad you liked it. Please check in on us again sometimes next week when the new songs are up. They´re pretty good. Who´s the Austrian guy you´re talking about?
John Huldt
# 7

haha, as we speak a friend of mine is attempting to record some chords in time with a metronome.....the failure is amazing
- J
- J
# 8

# 9

Hey, dynamic. Thats some cool stuff. Are you on ? If not you should join. They seem to play lots of stuff like what youve done there.
What amp and guitar are you using ?
What amp and guitar are you using ?
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 10

All of you should check out this American guy.... who sucks...
Oh wait that's me........
Oh wait that's me........
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 11

Glad you liked it! No, I´m not on guitarwars. Maby I should check it out. Thanks for the tip though! Think I´ll do it when we got the new songs up. please check in on our website sometimes next week. Four new songs is coming up. Thanks man!
John Huldt
# 12

Dynamic, what amp do you use ?
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 13

I have an Engl powerball 100w head which I run through a Engl 4X12 cabinett. All guitars on the songs on our site was made with my Fender Am std with Kinman pickups.
John Huldt
# 14

Originally Posted by: dynamicI have an Engl powerball 100w head which I run through a Engl 4X12 cabinett. All guitars on the songs on our site was made with my Fender Am std with Kinman pickups.
Wow. Are you not on harmony central forums. People over there are going crazy for lead clips done with the powerball !!!
I really didnt think it could do lead tones that well :eek:
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 15