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is Super Fabulous
Joined: 03/06/01
Posts: 1,623
is Super Fabulous
Joined: 03/06/01
Posts: 1,623
05/12/2004 3:29 am
I just don't understand this bull****.

An Iraqi mob killed our people, dragged their multilated bodies through the streets, and hung them from a bridge (the American contractors that were there trying to rebuild their country), and nobody says a thing. No outrage. Nada. Then a few pictures of some Iraqis supposedly being tortured comes out, and I'm supposed to feel bad? Sorry, but I don't. I'm sure that whatever was done to them was nowhere near as bad as what they would and have done to our people when they capture(d) them . . . or as bad as the stuff that Saddam did in that prison.