"Better to Reign in Hell, than to Serve in Heaven."
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Hey everyone wasup? Im in the process of building a guitar..and I was wondering a few things..I need sum Exact measurments to get started...been researching it all like hell and think i could use a little help....i mean my style of guitar would b more along the lines of a Gibson guitar or even a BC Rich style...depends....ne ways the question is how do i properly space out the fretwire on the fretboard? I mean what are the measurments?..im lookin got a longer neck than usual...my BC Rich warlock i bought is a 25.5" and has 24 frets..i would use that for sure..but I have seen sum guitars with about 27 frets or a bit more....i kno they are customized, im just wondering if n e one coudl help me out or if n e one knows a site that could help me with the measurements of How much more length i have to add to the neck and also the actual distand frum the fretwire in each fret. thats about the main question have now to begin with...and thats all i really need help with at the moment...if anyone coudl help me i GREATLY appreciate it...u could email me at [email]maxm411@hotmail.com[/email] and/or Add me to your MSN list with that email and let me kno.....or if not then just Post a reply here! thanks A LOT in advance to n e one who can help me :cool: