Originally Posted by: ketsueki15Why?? O why do you people have the need to ask the same dam questions just in a different way
Heres a way to make it easier..HOW BOUT PRACTICING!!....but o wait that would be to obvious...there must be a easier way to get around the idea of practice...Put ur pick under the pillow and let the magic pick fairy come and the next day you will be flying through those arpeggios..Pffff
The answer will be practice for alost every question thats not theory related
This may seem like a mean post but i get tired of people asking the same quesitons on this forum all the time...IF they would practice more than they talk the just maybe....
I wholeheartedly agree! I think that we should completely shut down this section of the forum, and, instead, when you click on "Technique & Style", a big pop-up window will come up and say "JUST PRACTICE DIMWIT".
Jon, can we get this in motion?
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]