My Ol' Lady said that if I bought one more Guitar, she's gonna leave me!
...Sure gonna miss that Ol' Gal...
Q. What's the difference between a musician and a US savings bond?
A. One of them eventually matures and earns money.
Q. What has 8 teeth and fourty feet?
A. The front row of a blue grass concert.
Q. What do you call a guitar player without a girlfriend?
A. Homeless.
Q. What's the difference between a bass player and a toilet?
A. A toilet only has to take crap from one butt hole at a time.
Q. What does a drum solo and premature ejaculation have in common?
A. You know it's coming and there is nothing you can do about it.
Q. What do you say to a banjo player in a three-piece suit?
A. Will the defendant please rise.
Q. What does a German Hammond organist do in his life's most tender moments?
A. He puts his Leslie on "Slow".
A drummer walks into a library and says: "Hi I'll have a burger, fries, and a large coke." The librarian responds: Sshhhh... do you kow where you are? This is a library! The drummer, sheepishly and in a whisper says: "Sorry... I'll have a burger, fries and a large coke."