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Joined: 09/23/03
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03/07/2004 9:21 pm
I don't know what models have which pickups, but if you go here there is a section 'guitars' that lists a bunch of very nice guitars which come stock with dimarzios.

Make sure you try everything possible, it may be that duncans or EMGs or PRS or something else might work better for you. Even for shredding Michael Angelo Batio uses duncans and he's definitely one of the more skilled guitarists alive today.

For multi-role the first thing I would do is decide if you want a more vintage or modern sound and for which pickups and go from there. It's also important to remember that vintage does not mean 'quiet' or 'soft', one of my favorite bridge pickups is a dimarzio air zone and it's a 'vintage' version of the tone zone. After that decide what kind of tonal balance you want for each pickup and what kind of DC resistance and resonant peak you want. As soon as you have that figured out you'll probably be down to a handful of similar options to pick and chose from.
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