New Member

Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and all.. I stumbled on your site and had to become a member. I have been playing my guitar for about 8 months. The internet has been has been my instructor and I have had moderate success. I downloaded all of the major, minor, barred,seventh cords and a few songs and went from there. Now I can play about 60 songs...well I can play the rythem for about 60 songs but I am having trouble with scales and playing lead, but I plug away everyday trying to get better. I have found that I have greater success playing good ole country and old rock-n-roll with my limited rythem playing ability. If anybody has any tips or practice techniques that would help me advance, I would greatly appreciate them.
# 1
On behalf of everybody on the site (excluding Carlo who isn't welcome by the rest of us), I would like to welcome you. You'll find that Carlo is by far the exception on this bulletin board; in that not only does his additude sucks and he has nothing to say, but that he's also by far the most abused person on this site. I don't think anybody else has been told that they "aren't fit to pick Tres Cool's pubic hairs from his teeth."
So anyway, welcome to the site, keep at it, and pretty much anything Carlo sais is bound to be removed by the administrator in a few hours.
So anyway, welcome to the site, keep at it, and pretty much anything Carlo sais is bound to be removed by the administrator in a few hours.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 2

# 3
Ya got GREAT verbal chops, but we're here to discuss music, and how to make it better.
Play as much as you can, even on your own, but look around for a band to join. Nothing improves your skill like working it out with a bunch of other musicians.
Play as much as you can, even on your own, but look around for a band to join. Nothing improves your skill like working it out with a bunch of other musicians.
# 4
for those of us (Carlo) who won't be designing rockets or performing open heart surgery any time soon, "GREAT" = sarcasm.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 5

Sheesh!, what the heck is going on DG? Two posts and you're getting gas from some guy on here?! he he
I haven't even heard of this Carlo guy(so far).
I haven't even heard of this Carlo guy(so far).
# 6
that's because Carlo's posts have so much depth of perception and such deep conotations they usually get [u]removed[/u] by the administrator.
[Edited by Raskolnikov on 01-28-2001 at 08:21 AM]
[Edited by Raskolnikov on 01-28-2001 at 08:21 AM]
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 7

After reading your comments about Carlo I looked at his profile and found that I could not view any of his previous posts, so, Carlo if your reading this please reply let me see if you really are a turkey like the other guys think you are. Maybe we've met I worked in Tottenham for some years up to 1994, go on give us all a laugh reply!
It takes 3 chords, 2 fingers and one asshole to play rock'n'roll
# 8

I was wondering if somebody could help me out....I just bought a brand new Squire Double Strat HSH...I have never seen anything like it...It has a '68 reverse neck on it (22 fret) and a Floyd Rose locker....It says Stagemaster on it (Right next to "Squire"), but on the very top of the neck, it says "Standard series"....The thing that gets me is that it only has 2 knobs and also has a white pickboard..This guitar WEIGHS A TON !!!..The guitar "Seems" to be a hybrid between the standard and stagemaster series.....I can't find it anywhere in the Fender or Squire websites or any brochures....Can this be some kind of "Custom" Thang that made it's way into the local music shop? BUT, HERE'S THE REAL KICKER !!! I bought it for $289.00 BRAND NEW !!! This thing plays UNBELIEVABLE !! The neck is as fast as greased lightning and very thin...The Humbuckers have BEAUTIFUL high-output and ,head to head, smoked a brand-new Jackson....The color is a dark blue....My friends can't believe it.....I was wondering if anybody here has seen one like this and CAN THIS PRICE BE TRUE ?
[Edited by LEEtheV on 02-05-2001 at 11:07 PM]
[Edited by LEEtheV on 02-05-2001 at 11:07 PM]
*Turn the bastard up and see what happenz.... :D
# 9

*A little b/ground on the "V".....I've played guitar for 26 years, several bands and piss the nieghbors off every night (tee-hee)....I use 2 Marshall Valvestate Heads (100 Watt, Tube pre-amp) and custom speakers cabs(4) that enclose (8) emminence speakers (2 wired sreies per cabinet to show a total 8 ohms back at the head per stack).....In my rack iz a Lexicon effects gizmo and a Stereo EQ.....The sound iz DEAFENING (and VERY warm..) :).....I have owned just about every type of axe you can name, but these "cheapo" Mexican Stratz continue to amaze me....The humbuckers just plain kick-ass and (for the money) the guitar is easy to set-up and "trick".....( Note: I'm also an Administrator for a UBB site called jokes please :D )....Did I mention I KICK ASS on GUITAR :) ?? LOL
[Edited by LEEtheV on 02-05-2001 at 06:40 PM]
[Edited by LEEtheV on 02-05-2001 at 06:40 PM]
*Turn the bastard up and see what happenz.... :D
# 10

*Am I for real ? YOU BETCHA :D

This be ONE of my "Cheapos" that has a custom Warmoth Brothers neck and a "Tex-Mex" on the neck.....Sperzels round it out :)....(I can throw this thing against a wall and it won't go outa tune :D )
[Edited by LEEtheV on 02-05-2001 at 06:59 PM]

This be ONE of my "Cheapos" that has a custom Warmoth Brothers neck and a "Tex-Mex" on the neck.....Sperzels round it out :)....(I can throw this thing against a wall and it won't go outa tune :D )
[Edited by LEEtheV on 02-05-2001 at 06:59 PM]
*Turn the bastard up and see what happenz.... :D
# 11

.......That I've seen in the new Guitar mags lately. Probably to new to be put in the websites yet. They look pretty kewl though. I should talk my friend into one of those!
People like to bag on those Squire guitars, but from what I've seen and played the Squires released in the last couple of years are very well made guitars for the money.
People like to bag on those Squire guitars, but from what I've seen and played the Squires released in the last couple of years are very well made guitars for the money.
# 12
Fender makes DeArmonde shtuff which is cheap as dirt and beats the snot out of their American Standard series. I really wonder what those people are thinking- their top end's gone down the crapper and they think they can get away with it... They're forgeting just why they were able to buy themselfs back from CBS in 1980 (or was it 79). Anyway, it's kinda sad and amusing all at once.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 13

Originally posted by Elmo45
.......That I've seen in the new Guitar mags lately. Probably to new to be put in the websites yet. They look pretty kewl though. I should talk my friend into one of those!
*He WILL NOT be disappointed !!!! I JUST CANNOT BELIEVE the neck on this THANG.....It BLISTERS !!! (Super Jumbo frets go on the wish list :) )
People like to bag on those Squire guitars, but from what I've seen and played the Squires released in the last couple of years are very well made guitars for the money.
*For the money, They're incredible !!! As previously posted, my friend bought a brand new Jackson (600 bucks) and when we cranked up the marshalls (He has 2 FULL MARSHALL STAX, rack amps, JMP-1 & all!!), My Squire had SOOOO much more lower end tone and ballz that he just couldn't believe it (And it ways about 10 pounds heavier :) ).......The Floyd Rose on this thing has the angled fine-tuners and having just 2 knobs makes me happy....(The 3 knob models keep getting turned down by my hand when I'm wailin' away....ARRRRGGGG !!!) Tell your buddy to get one before the word getz out....This "Stock" guitar SHOULD be priced in the 6 - 7 hundred range and yet I walked out the door (Tax & gig bag included) for $304.00 !!! I ran to my car and sped away just in case the guy had made a mistake :D:D:D ...(I'll post a pic of it here tomorrow.....SWEEEEEET :)
[Edited by LEEtheV on 02-05-2001 at 11:11 PM]
*Turn the bastard up and see what happenz.... :D
# 14

*This is the beginning of the new studio :p (And yes, those ARE (6) Marshall headz ! :D:D:D )

*The other side of the room has the PA and Roland Drum Kit :D .....GOTTA love last years stock market :)
[Edited by LEEtheV on 02-05-2001 at 08:30 PM]

*The other side of the room has the PA and Roland Drum Kit :D .....GOTTA love last years stock market :)
[Edited by LEEtheV on 02-05-2001 at 08:30 PM]
*Turn the bastard up and see what happenz.... :D
# 15
Lee, yer a sick twisted crazy bastard, welcome to the site. And I'm going to make my guitarist look at your studio picture there. hehehe
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 16
Hey, Lee, Lee!... LEE, CAN YOU HEAR ME!?!?!
# 17

Originally posted by Raskolnikov
Lee, yer a sick twisted crazy bastard, welcome to the site.
*Yes, I am and Thanx :)
And I'm going to make my guitarist look at your studio picture there. hehehe
*It's the player, bro :D
*But the Marshalls DEFINATLY dilever the goodz :p
*Turn the bastard up and see what happenz.... :D
# 18

Originally posted by Lordathestrings
Hey, Lee, Lee!... LEE, CAN YOU HEAR ME!?!?!
*Funny, thatz what my Girlfriend keepz asking me :D ( Of course THAT depends on whether itz dinner time or the lawn needz mowin' :) )......Interesting and fun fact about the V: My Grampa kallz me Lee-Lee :)
*Turn the bastard up and see what happenz.... :D
# 19