Question about wireless guitar system.
Hey all, I have been considering getting a wireless system for my guitar because my band is playing much bigger shows than we used to and really long cords just aren't doing the job anymore...I always have the problem of getting it tangled on the monitor or something stupid like that so I want to get a wireless system but I do not know the first thing about them? My first question is, will they work through pedals? I play 4 pedals connected so do you just plug the wireless adapter in to the last pedal or what? Also, what do I need to look for in a system and what would be a good one you guys would recomend? How much is the cost of a good one? Also, are there any disadvantages of a wireless system? Thanks a lot everyone for the reply in advance, take care!
# 1
if youre the only one that wants to be wireless, then get the guitarbug - that thing rocks and its pretty cheap.
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
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