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Who here like Archtops and why??? What is the best archtop to buy?
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I like them because they sound awesome and they're fun to play.
I can't tell you what the best one to buy is because that depends on some things like personal preference and budget.
Gretsche is a traditional and very nice sounding company, but they also can cost lots of $$. Especially the vintage ones, I saw someone selling a white Penguin Gretsche for $85,000 not too long ago. You could get a nice instrument from them for less than $1k, but the top of the line for their products is a few $k.
Ibanez makes cheap and affordable jazz guitars, but some people find them 'boxy' and generally not the best.
Cort makes a good selection of archtops. They have one basic model which sells in two variations ($550 and $700) and some signature models. The most expensive guitar they make (I think) is $1600 (Larry Coryell), but their artist instruments more often cost around $900 (such as for Jeff Beck and a budget variety of Coryell's model).
Gibson sells hollow-body guitars, I've never played one and I have no idea what kind of price range they can have, although it's pretty common to see the cheaper used ones go for the better half of three digits and the ceiling at several thousand. I've heard their lower end isn't entirely consistent, so be careful if you're buying one.
If you like botique guitars D'Angelico makes, imho, the most sexy guitars there are. They cost heap much bling-bling. Their more elegent models run around $12,600, but you can get many of archtops and their electric guitar model for a few thousand. They also make models in between, such as their practical working musicians' NYL-2 custom which goes for a 'modest' $6000. They make a seven string variety for $13,500, which I think would be a complete joy to play if I wasn't nervous about holding a guitar that expensive. Which I would be.
It's very easy to find custom and botique luthiers for archtop guitars like Schaefer, but if you have an average income I would look into cort or a used gibson, if you're willing to spend more look into Gretsche. Those are just starting points, personal preferences vary.
[Edited by Hammurabi on 02-24-2004 at 03:27 AM]
I can't tell you what the best one to buy is because that depends on some things like personal preference and budget.
Gretsche is a traditional and very nice sounding company, but they also can cost lots of $$. Especially the vintage ones, I saw someone selling a white Penguin Gretsche for $85,000 not too long ago. You could get a nice instrument from them for less than $1k, but the top of the line for their products is a few $k.
Ibanez makes cheap and affordable jazz guitars, but some people find them 'boxy' and generally not the best.
Cort makes a good selection of archtops. They have one basic model which sells in two variations ($550 and $700) and some signature models. The most expensive guitar they make (I think) is $1600 (Larry Coryell), but their artist instruments more often cost around $900 (such as for Jeff Beck and a budget variety of Coryell's model).
Gibson sells hollow-body guitars, I've never played one and I have no idea what kind of price range they can have, although it's pretty common to see the cheaper used ones go for the better half of three digits and the ceiling at several thousand. I've heard their lower end isn't entirely consistent, so be careful if you're buying one.
If you like botique guitars D'Angelico makes, imho, the most sexy guitars there are. They cost heap much bling-bling. Their more elegent models run around $12,600, but you can get many of archtops and their electric guitar model for a few thousand. They also make models in between, such as their practical working musicians' NYL-2 custom which goes for a 'modest' $6000. They make a seven string variety for $13,500, which I think would be a complete joy to play if I wasn't nervous about holding a guitar that expensive. Which I would be.
It's very easy to find custom and botique luthiers for archtop guitars like Schaefer, but if you have an average income I would look into cort or a used gibson, if you're willing to spend more look into Gretsche. Those are just starting points, personal preferences vary.
[Edited by Hammurabi on 02-24-2004 at 03:27 AM]
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