Mr.Potato's Guitars

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02/22/2004 8:22 pm
These guitars look sick and are really cheap. Most expensive one is 385 for a neck threw 7-string with 27 frets. Reviews on harmony central give em strait 10's!
Go here.

# 1
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02/22/2004 8:25 pm
Oh wait, that's just a link to one guitar go here.
# 2
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02/22/2004 11:10 pm
Those guitars look awsome and are really cheap!
Has anyone here every played one?
Playing Guitar is fun!
# 3
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02/23/2004 12:36 am
They look very nice and I will admit the background music is kinda relaxing, but I would very much like to try one for myself before passing judgement, or at least find a photo of more of their neck joints.

I'm also wondering about some specs, like their hardware, pickups (honestly if I got one I would probably swap out, so it's not too important), neck measurements (radius, depth, width), how well the bridge matches the neck radius (this is a problem with some similar guitars from Agile), how low of action those can have, ect.

One last comment- those teles look better than fender's because of the headstock, imo. It does my heart good every time I see something like that.
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# 4
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02/23/2004 12:38 am
Wait a of those reviews said they're hand this true? If that's true I'm definitely interested in those guitars.

Edit- not all of them are but, by the one that caught my eye is so I'm happy. :)

I wonder if he could make a custom neck-through one of those..that would be awesome.

[Edited by Hammurabi on 02-22-2004 at 08:18 PM]
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# 5
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02/23/2004 5:10 pm
I've been reading about these guitar's. The bridge is Floyd Rose original on the guitars with trems. People claim the pickups sound better than any they've heard. Other people that own Fenders and Gibsons say they never even pick those guitars up any more. They just play Mr.potato's guitars. I think I'm going to buy one of the cheaper ones just to see how it is. If it isn't so hot i'll post about it here and just slap it up on E-bay to get rid of it. They are all hand made and most are neck threw.
# 6
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10/14/2005 12:46 pm
eh....well the last post has been 1 year ago..but if people are still reading this...i'll guitars are awesome..i live in planning on buying a bass guitar...and...the just...i dont kno how to explain but..haha...uhh....good x30027278973...haha.....something like that....i dunno what else to friend bought a guitar for 220 sounds nice ^.^;;...their really cheap...and guessing..if this was sold in the would go over 500 or maybe least between those two... btw...they are homemade...potato has its own lil factory that makes them..^.^ and he can custom too i think
# 7
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10/15/2005 2:46 am
i coodve sworn i saw a tele or a les paul but they look cool, but I've never really heard of that brand and well, I'd need to look into it a little.
"When you want to rock hard children, lean of F#."
# 8

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