I had a jam session today, and my shoulder started to hurt halfway through it. It was from my guitar strap. This is a reoccuring problem for me. Has anyone else ever had similiar problems? If so did you find a way to make it better? Any advice?
# 1

I dunno what helps it. I used to have that problem all the time but somehow I don't have it anymore and I'm not sure what it was I changed.
Maybe try a different length for the guitar strap, that might help.
Maybe try a different length for the guitar strap, that might help.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 2
is the strap soft or hard? i used to have a hard leather strap and it started to become unconfortable after like 1 hour of playing.
hard strap + heavy guitar = sore shoulder
soft strap + light guitar = intense stage performance *LOL*
hard strap + heavy guitar = sore shoulder
soft strap + light guitar = intense stage performance *LOL*
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 3

I guess it could be good for your shoulder to be well wormed up before a gig, jaming or just practice. Stretching, massage and some kind physic isn't bad I guess.
But, if the pain comes from the strap (like wounds) perhaps a little pad or something could make wonders.
Sometimes I feel pain and just sitting down for 10-20 minutes refresh your shoulder and you may stand up again for some hour. If the pain comes back, stop playing standing immedietly. Continue playing with any kind of pain is never good. It's the same for fingers, wrists, head or whatever..
I hope your problem will be solved, iiholly!
But, if the pain comes from the strap (like wounds) perhaps a little pad or something could make wonders.
Sometimes I feel pain and just sitting down for 10-20 minutes refresh your shoulder and you may stand up again for some hour. If the pain comes back, stop playing standing immedietly. Continue playing with any kind of pain is never good. It's the same for fingers, wrists, head or whatever..
I hope your problem will be solved, iiholly!
Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
# 4
but then again.. holly is a woman.. you know.. the weaker sex and all... *L* (jk)
no.. go away holly.. what do you do with that knife??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
no.. go away holly.. what do you do with that knife??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 5
Its a soft strap, and maybe its just because i'm lazy and don't play standing up unless absolutely needed. Azrael... *shakes head* maybe I'll kill you then take the dragon.
# 6

These are problems that occur sometimes - the change in playing standing up compared to sitting down and the change from playing through an amp and not playing through an amp. To get around the standing up sitting down issue I always play standing up. You gotta know that if you play sitting down for any length of time when you try to play standing up and with a strap it's going to be different. Why not just pick one and the obvious one has to be standing up due to the playing live. As to playing through an amp (because of things you don't hear without it and harmonics and distortion and all the rest of it (and i don't necessarily mean dirty tone all the time, just through an amp)) I haven't solved that problem because i'm in a ****ty apartment and people can hear you when you .. do stuff.
I haven't played sitting down for a couple of years. Although I guess i could because I play my guitar high enough that it wouldn't make a difference if I sat down or stood up ( the guitar wouldn't be resting on my leg). I lied as i've sat down twice to find that fact out.
I haven't played sitting down for a couple of years. Although I guess i could because I play my guitar high enough that it wouldn't make a difference if I sat down or stood up ( the guitar wouldn't be resting on my leg). I lied as i've sat down twice to find that fact out.
# 7
I go with a relatively stiff thick, wide leather strap as it distributes the weight over a wider area. PRS make great straps though they are not so cheap !
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 8

Try keeping a stool near you or a amp with nothing on top of it while you gig. I used to have the same problem because of a injury (put my sholder out of place playing hockey) so when it bothered me I would just sit for a bit. If you do it while soloing you can act like you are just really getting into the music and pan it off as a mojo thing.
Jimmie showed me alot of stuff, but there was a time when he warned, 'If you ask me to show you anything again, I'll kick your ass.' Well, I did and he did. - SRV
# 9
Well... I didn't have the problem tonight. I refuse to play standing up, because I'm stubborn. What can I say? I don't find the transition from sitting down to standing up that difficult. Hopefully... i won't have the problem again... and if I do... I'm blaming it on... Azrael. Not that it really matters.... damn.
# 10
yeah of course - always blame it on me *lowers head and trotts off*
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 11
I have tendanitis in both of my shoulders, so I tend to have shoulder pain quite often when playing for an extended amount of time. I like using wide, thick, Levy straps. Like the good Dr. said, wider straps destribute the weight more evenly across your shoulder making things more comfortable. Another suggestion would be to stop being lazy and get used to playing standing up. I was the same way though. After playing the acoustic for 5 years and then moving to the electric, it took me a long time to get used to playing standing up, but now I play standing up more than sitting down.
# 12

[QUOTE=basics]These are problems that occur sometimes - the change in playing standing up compared to sitting down and the change from playing through an amp and not playing through an amp. To get around the standing up sitting down issue I always play standing up. You gotta know that if you play sitting down for any length of time when you try to play standing up and with a strap it's going to be different.
I keep my guitar strap pretty tight, so the guitar is at the same position whether I'm sitting or standing.
I've been having shoulder pain as well. I got one of those Planet Wave straps that's extra wide, so it distributes the guitar weight a bit. Sometimes helps. I'm thinking about getting one of those dual straps that goes over your should and across your lower back. I've heard it provides more stability, but don't know if it helps this problem.
My chiropractor used an ultrasound gadget on my shoulder a few weeks ago. Seemed to relieve the pain for a bit.
I keep my guitar strap pretty tight, so the guitar is at the same position whether I'm sitting or standing.
I've been having shoulder pain as well. I got one of those Planet Wave straps that's extra wide, so it distributes the guitar weight a bit. Sometimes helps. I'm thinking about getting one of those dual straps that goes over your should and across your lower back. I've heard it provides more stability, but don't know if it helps this problem.
My chiropractor used an ultrasound gadget on my shoulder a few weeks ago. Seemed to relieve the pain for a bit.
Jam tracks, stories and
giant, killer teddy bears.
Jam tracks, stories and
giant, killer teddy bears.
# 13

This might sound like a really dumb question but do you have the guitar strap on the right way?
For years I used to put the thick part down near the guitar and the thin, adjustable part was over my shoulder. I didn't even realize it was on the wrong way until somebody pointed it out to me.
For years I used to put the thick part down near the guitar and the thin, adjustable part was over my shoulder. I didn't even realize it was on the wrong way until somebody pointed it out to me.
Hey you kids! Get outta that Jello tree!! :mad:
# 14
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