tab help needed

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02/17/2004 8:50 pm
what does it mean when there is X's???

for example: in the Nirvana Song Smells like teen tells me to 8 on the first string....then the next 2 are X's....

# 1
Jolly McJollyson
Chick Magnet
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Jolly McJollyson
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02/17/2004 8:54 pm
Xs are mute notes. Mute the strings and then pluck them.
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# 2
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02/17/2004 8:57 pm
well i don't really see the point of doesn't make any noise! it only for electric guitar (i only have an acoustic)....or am i not muting it right?
# 3
Grizzled Spellchecker
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Grizzled Spellchecker
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02/18/2004 4:47 am
Well, if you know the song Smells Like Teen Spirit, there's that part right at the beginning where it goes "dum da dum... whack-a whack-a dum dum, dum da dum... whack-a whack-a dum dum"

The first "dum da dum" is an F power chord on the E string (1st fret), and the "whack-a whack-a" is the "xxxxxx" and you mute the strings by resting your hand over the strings and don't press down and simultaneously pick the strings pretty firmly. Then, play a B flat power chord.

Repeat with the G sharp and the C sharp power chords.

Hope that helped!

p.s. It don't matter if you play electric or acoustic, the "whack-a whack-a" sounds the same.
... and that's all I have to say about that.

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# 4
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02/19/2004 1:53 pm
the xxxxxx thing is very often used in reaggea, ska and such beat-based music. When you get it sound well, it's very fun to use..

And, it's usefull also on none-electic guitars. Use wider movements with your pick-hand (your right hand if you use a right-handed guitar), that makes it easier. When you got it, try to play a chord, then play it again, now only thouching the strings slightly with as many fingers as you want (more than one, otherwise you may create natural harmonics), to mark the beat, then play the chord normally again 2 times, than mute them again. Repeat this and if you got it, it will sounds pretty good. Also get yourself a drummer who can play backwards, makes it even more fun!
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# 5
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02/22/2004 4:26 pm
X's are palm muted notes, Listen to teen spirit, in between the chords being played thers a wacka-wacka (just likeiamthe_eggman said.)

Chords you need to play teenspirit intro/chorus

E5: 022xxx

A5: x022xx

G5: 355xxx

C5: x355xx

(if you don't know how to read the above chords then ask me, the x's this time mean the string is not played)

so play E5 put your hand lightly over all the strings and strum all the strings Then play A5. Do the same as above with G5 and C5.

Keep strumming all the way through.
STRUMMING PATTERN; ^=downstroke \=upstroke
E5: ^ \ ^
X's ^ \ ^ \ ^
A5: ^ \ ^

G5: ^ \ ^
X's: ^ \ ^ \ ^
C5: ^ \ ^

# 6
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02/23/2004 5:47 pm
the x's you refer to are notes sounde by muteing the strings with your fret hand by lightly resting your fingers on them. the result is a percusive sound often used in music with heavy rythmic beat. voodoo chile intro is this effect with a wah wah peddle. but the best example of this is pride and joy by stevie ray.
# 7

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