Amp problem! Please read!

Matt Warfront
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Matt Warfront
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02/15/2004 7:42 pm
Hey all, I am having a HUGE amp problem. I just bought an Ampeg (lead) half-stack from a friend. The problem here is that there is a crackling noise coming out of the right speaker. There are 4 speakers and it is only comming out of the upper right one...I took the amp in and got it looked at (blowing $30) and they told me there was nothing wrong with it. Then, I ran the head through another amp and realized it is a problem with the head because it did that crackling noise through this other amp. So I go to guitar center and described the problem to this guy who said it definently was a tube problem. I got my pre-amp tubes checked by a machine at a electronics shop that said they were fine, plus this guy said it sounded like a power tube problem. So I buy a pair of 6 rating groove tubes and put them in and take them to another shop to get them biased (blowing another $80) and when I got the head back, the problem was excactly the same. I don't know what to do...I keep taking it places and blowing so much money and nothing is is a VERY stressful situation. Can someone please help? The noise it makes it a crackling noise almost like an overdrive but it is very anoying while playing also is very noticable with distortion on. Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated..thanks a lot, take care!
# 1
Tele Master
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Tele Master
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02/16/2004 12:49 am
Could be a loose solder joint. Age makes things buzz. Turn off any electric equipment where your playing (TV, stereo, computer).
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# 2
Lone Ryder
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Lone Ryder
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02/16/2004 2:04 am
What's the model number of your Ampeg head? Any idea how old the head is? It shouldn't really matter but what's the make/model of your speaker cabinet? Was the other cabinet you plugged it into also a 4x10, 4x12 or whatever?

# 3
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02/16/2004 4:13 am

try to get a fender amp cuz they last longer and have a good sound
# 4
Gear Guru
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02/16/2004 5:01 am
Originally posted by Matt Warfront
... The problem here is that there is a crackling noise coming out of the right speaker. There are 4 speakers and it is only comming out of the upper right one...
Uhh, lemme see if I got this right... You have crackling noises coming out of just one speaker in a 4-speaker cab, so you take the [u]amp[/u] in for a checkup??? :confused:

Dude, get someone to check out your [u]speaker[/u]!!!
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# 5
Matt Warfront
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Matt Warfront
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02/16/2004 1:10 pm
Actually, I was just told that the "good/bad" pre-amp tube testers don't work...even if it reads "good" it may still be bad. My last resort is getting a new pair of pre-amp tubes this week. Hopefully that will take care of the problem! Thanks a lot for the replys, take care!
# 6
Lone Ryder
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02/16/2004 3:11 pm
Yeah Lord O the Strings I thought the same thing but he said he tried it on a different cabinet. Very strange. If that's true then maybe it's a load problem with his amp. That's why I'm curious about the 2 cabinets he tried it on and the amp model. Maybe the amp can't handle a 2 (or 4) ohm load.???????

# 7
Gear Guru
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02/16/2004 5:46 pm
But that's my point! If the head is sending crackling sounds to the cab, that sound should be coming from [u]all[/u] of the speakers in the cab. :confused:
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# 8
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02/17/2004 4:42 am
I think I gotta agree with you lord... especially since if it is a load problem at least 2 of the 4 speakers are going to either be wired in series or parallel with each other, meaning that if one is going to crackle from a load issue, at least one other should be also. I mean, it's not like he is running a seperate channel to each also could just be sheer coincidence that the other cabinet has a bad speaker also. I have seen stranger. I once has a guy come into my shop stating that the radio I put in for him made his headlights on his truck quit working.... After an hour of going over everything that could have possibly went wrong to no avail, I finally checked the bulbs. They both went out at the same time. That is completely unheard of, but it happened...
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 9
Gear Guru
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02/17/2004 5:39 am
LOL... Must'a been all that thumpin' bass shaking the bulb filaments!

((((( :eek: )))))
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02/19/2004 3:27 am
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
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