Mike ;)
No leads

ive posted somethin similar but here is another one but here it goes. WHenever i want to play a lead i have to play up on the freakin bridge! For like Kirk Hammett Solos. ANd i have strong arms i just cant play by the pickups... its very hard because it doesnt sound well when you trying to burn it up on lead. I play an axs32 Ibanez! Also It has nothing to do with my fingers on the fretboard, i have no prob with that. Its strum fast on the bottom strings fast for the leads.
# 1

Do you mean you rest your hand on the bridge whilst picking the solo? Thats what I do, howd you feel theres a problem with this?
# 2

yeah i have to pcik on the bridge . Ive seen many guitarsets do leads down in the pickup area. And its extremely hard with my guitar
Mike ;)
# 3