The more i practice the worse everything sounds

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02/10/2004 2:36 am
Everytime i go down to my room to play guitar i turn up my amp pretty loud and at first everything seems crystal clear and everything is great , but after a while of practicing and changing to disortion pedal and changing to clean soon enough everything coming out of my amp seems all kinda dull sounding and all scrambled up. its hard to explain. I dont know if any of you have had this problem but it annoys the crap out of me because i dont know if it really sounds that bad or if just because its so loud and after awhile my ears get weird. My dad thinks that because i play like non-stop for like an hour or more at a time and dont take at least a 1 min break in between every so often. I dont know please let me know if its my ears because i think it is and if it is how can i fix it from becoming dull sounding after so long. thanks
Mike ;)
# 1
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02/10/2004 3:02 pm
Ears tend to get tired, especially when being subjected to loud sounds.(having some painful frequencies poking through will do the trick too)
Result: everything starts sounding dull.

So, start playing at more moderate levels. Not only will this keep your ears from going dull so quickly, you probably won't have to resort to hearing aids by the time you hit 30...
# 2
Tele Master
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Tele Master
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02/10/2004 9:00 pm
Ear Plugs.
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# 3
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02/11/2004 1:26 am
Originally posted by Tele Master
Ear Plugs.

That's kind of a weird detour, but yeah, that'll work too.
# 4
joe scalene
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joe scalene
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02/12/2004 5:59 am
those are just just psychological effcets man.maybe your mind expects to much improvement so as time goes by you think you are getting worst coz you cant appreciate your improvement.

try recording your plays. and listen to it after you have rested a while. Maybe a day or two... condition your self
# 5
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02/12/2004 6:05 am
Originally posted by joe scalene
those are just just psychological effcets man.

Nope, it's physiological. Read up on "listening fatigue."
# 6
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02/12/2004 10:52 pm
do u have a tube amp or solid state?

you might need new tubes, that happened to me a few months ago

if its your ears I don't know what to tell you

maybe practice without distortion so you get better and cleaner sounding
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# 7
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02/13/2004 4:05 am
Nah it's definitely the ears. They have a dampening type effect after long periods of loud volume....You are hurting your ears when that happens. That's why the guy from Linkin Park wears those dorky ear muffs. Definitely get ear plugs or turn the volume down. There is no reason you can't get a good sound at a low volume. Hell I don't even use my amp most of the time. I just plug into my effects processor and plug it into my computer. I get a great sound, and it doesn't wake the neighbors.
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 8

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