Mike ;)
Tube amp

Ok, i got a tube amp, well i think it is because it says trans tube near the power switch. but my amp has been used like since 1996, do you think i might need to change the tube(s), if so how can i tell it needs to be changed. How much would it cost me also??/??
# 1

If you don't see any valves anywhere and there's no standby switch it's probably a solid state amp made to model tube properties.
Different people change tubes at different times. It's not an expensive procedure, or it shouldn't be.
Different people change tubes at different times. It's not an expensive procedure, or it shouldn't be.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 2

also you should be able to tell the difference from a tube amp and solid state amp from listning to the sound. The tubes will be seen if you look at the back of the amp if there are any !
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 3
transtube more likely stands for transistor power-amp , and tube preamp (like Marshall AVT) ... I guess I saw one of those before , it's a Peavy , yeah ?
Power-amp tubes are those which needs to be changed oftenly (that's every couple of years if you gig like daily , or crank it up all the time) ... These are expensive.
Preamp tubes lasts much longer , and can do over 30 years of service ... These are way cheaper than power tubes.
When the tubes are blown you'll certainly notice from the sound & the HUGE loss in volume .
Power-amp tubes are those which needs to be changed oftenly (that's every couple of years if you gig like daily , or crank it up all the time) ... These are expensive.
Preamp tubes lasts much longer , and can do over 30 years of service ... These are way cheaper than power tubes.
When the tubes are blown you'll certainly notice from the sound & the HUGE loss in volume .
# 4