On stage, I was also constantly forgetting what switch on the foot controller worked what patch ... etc ..... then there was the night the unit itself crapped out on me about 10 minutes before the start of a gig. Something shorted out somewhere inside ... get the picture?
I finally just trashed it and put my old pedalboard back together .... it's got everything I need: Crybaby Wah, Ibanez Tube Screamer, Boss Chorus, Boss Flanger, DOD Octave, DOD Tremelo, MXR Analog Delay, Boss 7-band Graphic EQ and a DOD Pedal-Tuner ....
They all work and sound great, and are very road-friendly and sturdy ... about the only problem that happens with a pedalboard is the occasional bad patch cord, which is easy and inexpensive to replace!
Hope this gives you a little something to think about