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Joined: 01/22/01
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Joined: 01/22/01
Posts: 1
01/22/2001 9:12 pm
Looking for a way to get closer to the "Larry Carlton" or "Alan Holdsworth" sustaining legato tone, without using a digital guitar synth...
(which to me still sound as though the tracking is sub-par)

My setup, is a telecaster on Neck Pickup, tone rolled off a notch or two played through a Ts808 Tube Screamer set at 75% overdrive, with a marshall valve-state65 overdrive on 4.....this gives a pretty nice warm,singing-like tone, but I'd like to introduce some other filter into the chain, that might make the overall sound more violin or keyboard like....thinking about the Electro Harmonix Analog Guitar Synth.....