"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
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I can definitely relate to the other band members getting pist because I was getting more attention. Especially when I was on bass, cause I out played most of the guitarists. But then again these are guitarists who think everything has to be in root position. If I ever wrote anything for the band, it was too difficult for everyone else. My opinion on how to go with it is to just write for what your going to be doing. SO if your the guitarist and singer, only write your guitar part and what your going to sing. Then when it comes to playing it with the rest of the band, just let them come up with there own thing to put to it. Of course your have to assume leadership since it's your song, but writting everyones else's parts can cause conflicts. If everyone gets to put there own thing in, everyone is usually happy. If your head is set on that, you pretty much have to hire professional musicians because most will want some part of the band they're in. I haven't met anyone who doesn't.