your style and favorite guitar/PUP combination

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02/07/2004 9:05 am
I hope this is the right forum for this question. I asked more specifically about PUPs for classic rock in my post in "tech talk," but thought it might be worth opening it up to see what people are using and why. I've found a lot of good info in the Harmony Central user reviews area but I thought it would useful to focus on the guitar/pup combination as an integrated system instead of a number of opinions on one product or another. So if you care to share your setup, I'd be much obliged, and hopefully others can benefit as well.

# 1
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02/07/2004 11:24 pm
please speak simpler... but i use a setup of an mxr pedal wich i dont think you would have interest in and i play out of a peavey amp. I dont know if that was your question but.............yeah
Mike ;)
# 2
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02/08/2004 2:57 am
More simply, what pickups are you using in what kind of guitar for what kind of music. . .I'm mainly interested in the pickups.


# 3
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02/08/2004 11:20 am
well i got a gibson les paul with minibuckers. they come on the deluxe model sound great brighter than standard pick ups an maybe higher output, not sure on that cos only compared it to a gibby SG but i think they have same pick ups as a standard LP anyway. my tone is kinda classic rock with high treble and bass with bout three quarters middle through a peavey tube amp. well as your mainly askin about the pick ups i think theyre what helps get a more distinctive sound as it gets the meatyness of a LP but also makes it a bit brighter.
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# 4
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02/08/2004 7:13 pm
I play a PRS Custom 22 with Dragon II pup's. On songs where I play clean, it can't be beat (at least for my style). Playing distorted, the bridge pup is very versatile in getting a vintage and modern type tone, depending on amp settings. The neck pup isn't great at getting a vintage tone, but it can pull it off quite well depending on how you play. It also have a very unique sound when using it on lead. it has a very mellow/smooth sound to it, that is unique. The guitar and pup's are perfect for my personal style, and do very well for other styles too.
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# 5
the fool
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the fool
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02/09/2004 4:23 pm
I love classic rock man. That's why for my guitar- an epiphone les paul es (its a les paul- only hollowbody), which they don't make any more- I installed gibson classic 57 on the neck and a gibson 57 classic plus on the bridge. not only is it great for classic rock but it's also very versatile- nice for blues and jazz also. it's just the right pickup for me. I'm not a fan of very high out put pickups. I also have a graphtech ghost/ acoustaphonic system recently installed for piezo capabilities and together with my boss ac- 2, it just rocks. It can scream if I need a blistering solo (ala santana), it has the nice humbucker crunch when i play rhythm, and it has this realistic acoustic sound when i play country or folk. I don't have to change guitars with my lp.
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...

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# 6
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02/09/2004 6:11 pm
Cort CL1000, but I would be better off with a M600. I'm still using stock pups now but I wouldn't hesitate to change them.

I play, in no particular order, classic rock, reggae, ska, metal (none of that screaming crap), metal-disco, pop-rock (although I don't usually admit it), and a kind of blues-meets-papa roach-meets-disturbed thing. I also play acoustic sim a lot of sundays at churches, although I'll admit it's more for the fun of playing god by using the music to play with people's emotions and as a result faith than anything else.
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# 7
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02/12/2004 10:59 pm
I play a 52 telecaster reissue

crybaby wah==> danelectro chorus==> danelectro delay==> hot rod rock distortion

and I have a fender blues junior and a peavey classic 30 which I set up in stereo, its a really nice unique tone

I mostly play classic rock so that set up works great for that sound

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# 8
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02/13/2004 4:54 am
Brand "X" - black 1984 Yamaha SBG1000 with DiMarzio DP101 Dual Sound at the bridge and DiMarzio DP106 Super Clear Hum Bucker at the neck.

The Stalker - black 1984 Yamaha SBG1000 with DiMarzio DP 155 Tone Zone at the bridge and DiMarzio DP151 PAF Pro at the neck.

Both guitars have S/P & Phase switches. Both wear D'Addario EJ21 .012" strings.

I play anything I wanna.
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# 9

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