Metallica at present?

I think the majority of us here were pretty disapointed with St Anger. Just wondered how you guys feel, anyone been to see them? Does there set include a lot of St Anger?
# 1

Saw em at Rock am Ring just after Anger was released, ony played 2 songs off it. Still not up to their old standard though. Not inpressed at all.
Remember, the chickens that fly will always beat the rubber plants that bounce!
# 2

There hopeless. They have decided to go along with the other mainstream crap now and apparently kirk can hardly play any of his solo's he used to play.
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 3

Well I saw em do like a 5 or 6 song set for a UK tv show. The two that were off st anger bored the crowed. When songs like sad but true n fuel the crowd went wild. I think in a couple of years time in an interview youl hear the guys in metallica confess that st anger was a bad idea.
# 4

Yuck - that's my new word for metallica now. They wrecked themselves. I blame Hetfield.
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 5

Here Here.... Hetfield shudda kept on drinkin.
Remember, the chickens that fly will always beat the rubber plants that bounce!
# 6

Yeah metallica's changed their music by tunning down and suff like that but there trying to fit in and make music for the kids today to listen to. You cant just say they lost it, Kirk can still break necks with his solos, and james can throw down a super fast rythm. Now new musicians today are throwing in solos, and if thats what everybody wants then thats what Metallica will give. My point is over 20 years and still rocking out your gonna change thats the way it is. There still kick ass!
# 7
# 8

The problem is that the only reason hammett isn't doing solos is cuz the band wants to be popular. Screw that, I'm gonna go listen to Ozzy - Zakk vowed that no one would make him stop soloing.
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 9

Hmm you gota think about it logically... I mean as a band of metallicas stature they new that no matter how good the album was or what it sounded like it was gona be big.. so I dont believe popularity is the reason it sounds how it does. I mean they must have known or no no that its alienated most of there fans.
So why does it sound like it does? I think really when you hear lars talk about how theyve done the monster solos and massive drum fills n big heavy riffs you get the answer.
Its so obvious they ran outa ideas. Arent all there songs in Em anyway? Theyve done the racing speed riffs n done the clean sounding ballads. I think they just ran outa ideas.
Well have to see what there next album is like i guess.
So why does it sound like it does? I think really when you hear lars talk about how theyve done the monster solos and massive drum fills n big heavy riffs you get the answer.
Its so obvious they ran outa ideas. Arent all there songs in Em anyway? Theyve done the racing speed riffs n done the clean sounding ballads. I think they just ran outa ideas.
Well have to see what there next album is like i guess.
# 10

My theory with Hammet is...
After 20 years he's tired of the same three boring licks!
But he doesn't have the brains to figure out anymore.
After 20 years he's tired of the same three boring licks!
But he doesn't have the brains to figure out anymore.

# 11

My opinion on this one ...
I loved Metallica. I grew up living and breathing Metallica.
Now I do not, since I bought (and took back) garge days revisited. St Anger I ripped and promptly broke the cd in half. It sounded to me as if each song started progressed to another tune and another and another then the next track came on. I liked on riff and then it broke into something I wasnt fond of. Each song was 4-8minutes of what should of been broken down into an album. There was too many changes in each track for me to enjoy them.
I look at the band now and see nothing what I saw when I was younger. No longer do I see this crazy dane and a mean Singer. No longer do I see an ace guitar soloist or a crazy undercutted bass player.
I see a few old guys, a freak faced bass player and a worn out hammet. Im not knocking there ability to play its the way they play it that knocks my nuts.
Just personal opinion mind ... could be utter rubbish :)
I loved Metallica. I grew up living and breathing Metallica.
Now I do not, since I bought (and took back) garge days revisited. St Anger I ripped and promptly broke the cd in half. It sounded to me as if each song started progressed to another tune and another and another then the next track came on. I liked on riff and then it broke into something I wasnt fond of. Each song was 4-8minutes of what should of been broken down into an album. There was too many changes in each track for me to enjoy them.
I look at the band now and see nothing what I saw when I was younger. No longer do I see this crazy dane and a mean Singer. No longer do I see an ace guitar soloist or a crazy undercutted bass player.
I see a few old guys, a freak faced bass player and a worn out hammet. Im not knocking there ability to play its the way they play it that knocks my nuts.
Just personal opinion mind ... could be utter rubbish :)
# 12

I feel your pain man. I got into Aerosmith in 93 when they peaked in there popularity. They were in there slicker MTV sound, but while still retaining the raoring riffs and solos and cheeky lyrics. For 4 years I loved them until they released there first album with me as a fan. Nine Lives :( awful, then another 4 years later 'Just Push Play', awful :(
# 13

I saw them on their UK tour of St.Anger.
Their live show was suprisingly good and tight. They played like 3 songs off of St.Anger (HOORAY!) and kept mostly to the old stuff. Fade to Black, One, Hit the lights etc.
Very good show. Live they haven't lost it, but man the new album sucks. As does Hammett, its a blessing in a way that there are no solos on that thing. However, looking back at it now I'm not that bothered about the album; hugh dissapointment at the time, but wounds have healed ;)
Their live show was suprisingly good and tight. They played like 3 songs off of St.Anger (HOORAY!) and kept mostly to the old stuff. Fade to Black, One, Hit the lights etc.
Very good show. Live they haven't lost it, but man the new album sucks. As does Hammett, its a blessing in a way that there are no solos on that thing. However, looking back at it now I'm not that bothered about the album; hugh dissapointment at the time, but wounds have healed ;)
# 14

I supose its good that kirk doesnt solo anymore. They werent any good anyway. i think almost every solo he played was pentatonic above the 12 fret and sometime the odd note below.
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 15

Hey actually I believe kirk hammett is one of the best guitarest ever, and i do believe he still can play any of his solos but their problem is that they probably dont think that the music they wrote wont work now. And Lead has made its way out of main stream so i think thats why there is no more lead, it sucks because we all know they can put out awesome songs if they would just stick to what they always have(except for everything after black album. O well maybe they will think about writing an album like there 80's albums.
Mike ;)
# 16

I was always somewhat of a fan of metallica
they wrote some really good songs in their day, but st. anger has got to be one of the worst songs I have ever heard, and from the reading this post it seems like the rest of the album was just like that
and kirk..... common
he just woke up one day and said, "i have the ability to be one of the best shredders around but i think ill stop caring and be mediocre for the rest of my career"
they wrote some really good songs in their day, but st. anger has got to be one of the worst songs I have ever heard, and from the reading this post it seems like the rest of the album was just like that
and kirk..... common
he just woke up one day and said, "i have the ability to be one of the best shredders around but i think ill stop caring and be mediocre for the rest of my career"
Alas Gandalf lives, Middle Earth is again safe...
# 17

Hey look at me I'm metallica! I used to be really good and have people who made great music, but now since their are bands like Korn and Limp Bizkit I think I'm gonna get really bad so some kids with pierced lips will like me!
Dude this sux.
Dude this sux.
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 18

I saw Metallica at a concert called ‘The Big Day Out’, it is a collection of Rock bands that have released an album or done something important the year before. These band get together and tour around Australia. Anyway, I bummed around the whole day, only half listening to the bands and waiting for the Metallica concert that was going to be the grand finally. The time came and the first song they played was ‘blackened’, James sounded great (although I also believe that he should’ve kept drinking :D ), and then the solo came… Kirk was sooooo sloppy, at times I felt that even I could have got up there and done better. Other than some of the solos (some of them were still done fairly well) it was a great show, they did a some of the oldies, some off ‘black’, and a few off the ‘Loads’.
# 19

I heard an interview with Lars Ulrich and another with Bob Rock, on Triple J, a few months ago.
Lars went on about how the album was meant to sound like a few guys just jammin' in a garage, although I can't see how having a snare sound like an empty silo getting hit with a sledgehammer is supposed to sound like a jam session. He also said that Hammet didn't do any solos because they wanted the album to be more of a focus on the band, not individual parts and solos singled Hammet out, which in my opinion is bullsh*t because people mainly just take notice of the singer when the others aren't doing anything outstanding.
Rock said that he produced the songs with Pro Tools, which he was renowned for, but put the different verses and choruses together poorly such as cymbals getting cut off. This was an attempt to make a mockery of how today's music is produced, with little talent needed from the musicians, just good production. He also didn't harmonize the vocals with the guitars, something else he is notorious for, to make them sound more in tune with another.
Personally, I don't like St Anger but I never really liked their music after they became popular.
Lars went on about how the album was meant to sound like a few guys just jammin' in a garage, although I can't see how having a snare sound like an empty silo getting hit with a sledgehammer is supposed to sound like a jam session. He also said that Hammet didn't do any solos because they wanted the album to be more of a focus on the band, not individual parts and solos singled Hammet out, which in my opinion is bullsh*t because people mainly just take notice of the singer when the others aren't doing anything outstanding.
Rock said that he produced the songs with Pro Tools, which he was renowned for, but put the different verses and choruses together poorly such as cymbals getting cut off. This was an attempt to make a mockery of how today's music is produced, with little talent needed from the musicians, just good production. He also didn't harmonize the vocals with the guitars, something else he is notorious for, to make them sound more in tune with another.
Personally, I don't like St Anger but I never really liked their music after they became popular.
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# 20