I finished writing my first ever song including lead, rhythm and BASS!!! This is the first time I've ever written the bass line for a song, so I'm pretty excited. I only hope my bassist can play it. Hey, If you want the powertab file, just give me your e-mail address.
# 1

Well done!!!
What "genre" is it?
What "genre" is it?
Remember, the chickens that fly will always beat the rubber plants that bounce!
# 2
# 3

I'll have a look. My emails. asblaydes@hotmail.com
Prob wont be able to take a look til 2moro though.
I'll have a look. My emails. asblaydes@hotmail.com
Prob wont be able to take a look til 2moro though.
Remember, the chickens that fly will always beat the rubber plants that bounce!
# 4
# 5

Yeah I did, cheers. Just gotta gimme an hour or 2 to look at it. Just downloaded powertab. Its pretty cool. It plays what you write down!!!
Remember, the chickens that fly will always beat the rubber plants that bounce!
# 6

# 7

By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 8

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